28: The Journey To Ezamore

Start from the beginning

Whilst everything was serene outside, the ride inside the cabin was the definition of awkward. Dia was sitting in between across from Hades and Artemis, who were looking anywhere but at each other.

She had overheard what they were fighting about, and she couldn't exactly side with just one of them.

Yes, Hades had gone overboard with taking his role as mate seriously and being overprotective, but he couldn't blame Artemis for wanting to handle delicate business alone. To be honest, Ezamore only knew Artemis was coming, who knew how they will react when they see the one responsible for the broken alliance.

Along the ride, the sunlight caught up with them and Hades turned up the collar of his thick black coat to cover himself. Artemis and Dia were not full vampires, thus they had more tolerance to sun but it was still bothersome.

They watched the scenery change from green forests to desert dunes and eventually volcanic land.

The passengers put on the protective amulets found in the compartments as they neared the entrance to Ezamore. The amulets held Pyran magic that would make it easier for them to tolerate the higher temperatures, and the mostly carbon dioxide and sulfuric atmosphere.

The carriage started descending and when it touched the ground, Artemis was the first to step out. The servants of the castle hurried and took his, Dia's, and Hades' belongings inside.

The ambassador was the first to greet Artemis and he was surprised when he laid eyes on the vampire king.

"Your majesties, welcome to Ezamore." Lord Cinis bowed respectfully.

"Good afternoon, Lord Cinis." Artemis bowed back and when Hades made a move to place an arm around him, he moved. "Please excuse the announced arrival of my husband. I am unsure as to what kind of atmosphere there is here with our presence. Could you enlighten me, please?"

"Yes, I'm sure the letter sounded quite intimidating as it was written by the king himself. As for the princess, she does not hold anything against you, your majesty. You're mainly here to mend ties with her parents and close the alliance."

"Very well, let us get right to it then."

Lord Cinis led them inside and continued:

"I'm afraid you've come in a bad weather day, your majesties. We expect conditions to improve tonight, but if they do not you will need to spend the night here. Two guest rooms will work, correct?"

"Yes that's perfect." Hades said.

"Make it three Lord Cinis, please." Artemis looked seriously at him.

Hades glared at him and Artemis didn't even bother to look at him. Lord Cinis looked awkwardly between them, but obeyed the wishes of the prince.

The first order of business was greeting the royal family. Artemis and Hades stood in the center of the throne room and waited for the Ignis family to come in.

First, the queen and Ruby stepped in. The queen was dressed in a mermaid cut dress with a tight corset in the color scarlet. Ruby, was dressed in clothes of a warrior that still held royal status as it was made entirely of gold and ruby stones. They were both similar in their heights and hair, except the queen's was short.

Next, King Ignis entered. He was a shorter, more robust man with a thick auburn beard and fiery orange hair. He was dressed in his royal regalia, complimentary to his wife's.

Artemis wasn't expecting anyone else to enter, but he was proved wrong as another young man entered. He was the tallest of the three, roughly the same height as Hades and similarly built.

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