"Nothing happened." I said quickly. "Nothing. I promise."

"Nothing?" Jax tutted. "That's not what I heard."

My brain scrambled for an excuse, before remembering the conversation that I had overheard between him and Zane.

"I was just trying to make you jealous." I hated the words as they came out. "That's all it was."

Jax breathed out a sigh. I think it was in relief. "Watching his hands all over you, it made me sick."

"I know. It made me sick too." I lied. It was the opposite. Jax's hands made me feel sick. Zane's made me feel... anything but.

"Now that we have that out of the way... I've planned a trip for us, baby. Just the two of us." Jax grabbed my hands, pulling me up to a standing position.

"Okay." I whispered, and my heart started to hammer in my chest. Have you ever been able to hear the sound of your heart beating in your ears? Loud and all consuming, the rhythmic pounding that overpowers all your other senses. It's all you can think about.

"I already packed a bag for you, but you might want to write a note for your dad. We'll be gone for a couple nights, and I don't want him to panic. Although, I don't think he would even notice. Do you? It's a good thing you have me baby." Jax told me in a calm voice, and he led me out of the bathroom.

"Here." He let go of my hands, turning around to reach for the pad of paper and the pen that was on my vanity.

I took the opportunity as soon as it was presented to me. As soon as Jax's back was turned, I moved my feet as fast as my body would allow. I ran around my bed, feeling my bare feet grip against the cool hardwood floor. I kept my eyes focused on my door, and I propelled myself forward. I was almost there.

I was... almost there.

Jax's fingers gripped themselves into the back of my hair, sharply pulling me backwards. All it took was one tug to fling me backwards. I couldn't control the weight of my body as I fell head first, hitting the sharp corner of my desk as I went down.

I barely thought about the stinging pain in my cheek as I tumbled onto the ground, the desk falling on top of me. I was laying in a mess of papers, pencils and pens as I clutched my cheek, feeling the blood spill out of the open wound.

"What the fuck, Seren?" Jax growled out. In one swift movement he removed the desk from where it had fallen on me, flinging it to the side as if it weighed nothing.

I blinked the stars out of my eyes as I felt Jax press the sleeve of his sweater onto the wound. "Why did you do that?"

When I didn't answer, he sighed again, pulling me up to my feet. He swiftly threw his arm around my neck, pulling me close to him. The dread twisted further into my gut as I realized I just squandered my chance.

"Sometimes I wonder why you have to be like this, baby. You make everything harder than it needs to be. Now, please. Let's go." Jax's voice was calm again as he led me out of the room.

The hope wasn't high in me, as Jax guided me through my dark and empty house, that my dad would open the door, saving me. My hope wasn't high that anyone else would either.

Jax was talking again. I couldn't concentrate on his words though, I could only hear the panic pushing through my veins. You would think my body would be used to the panic, by now. Yet, it sent a fire through my skin every time. My doubts were confirmed, as Jax led me out of the house uninterrupted, walking me like one would walk their dog to his car and opening the passenger door for me.

I hesitated. I knew it as well as he knew it. The moment I get in that car, it was over. It was done. I had no way out. He had all the control.

"Get in." Jax growled from behind me, pushing me in.

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