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"Be so full that even if they take and take and take, you can still be overflowing

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"Be so full that even if they take and take and take, you can still be overflowing."

alison malee

italics = mandarin

   "Ouch, Evangeline stop it!"Nick's voice echoed through her old childhood room, the two of them standing in front of each other as Colin sat on her old bed watching them with amusement in his eyes.

   "I cannot believe you, I *smack Can't *smack Believe *smack You *smack Didn't *smack Tell *smack Me."Evangeline smacked Nick on the head with her lizard-style Givenchy bag repeatedly, since Colin had pulled her heals off of her before she had the chance to take it off herself.

   "I'm sorry!"Nick cried out in pain, trying to stop the fuming woman in front of him. Evangeline huffed in exhaustion, finally stopping her abuse towards her brother and stepping away from him as Colin carefully handed her Dior black matte heels back to her.

   "I'm not done with you yet, brother. Mum told me I can't damage your face, or Ah Ma would get mad at me."Evangeline said, turning away from her brother and getting ready to leave her room, and heading back downstairs.

   "Eva, I'm sorry. I just didn't want you all to know, because I didn't know how everyone was going to react to her. She isn't like us, but that's one of the things I love about her."Nick explained, pulling his sister back and faced her towards him.

   "You could have told me, Nicky. I'm not like mum or dad, I'm your twin sister."Evangeline said softly, still feeling hurt by Nick's mistrust in her.

   "I know, and I'm sorry for not telling you. You'll be the first to know when something happens, pinky promise."Nick said, holding his pinky out. Evangeline sighed but nodded her head and wrapped her pinky with his as they both kissed their own thumbs to seal off their promises.

   "Now that's over, let's head downstairs and grab food? I'm starving."Colin said, opening the door of the room. The siblings nodded but smiled and headed their way down to the party.

   "Bring her to mum when she gets here, okay?" Evangeline said, kissing Nick's cheeks then walking away with Colin by her side with his arm wrapped around her waist after he nodded his head.

The couple walked around greeting old family members, and invited guests who were welcomed enough to be invited by her mother.

   "Have I told you, you look absolutely beautiful tonight? Like you always do, of course."Colin complimented his fiance, looking down at her gorgeous gown.

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