Chapter 1

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Meredith Grey was a usually healthy person. She didn't work out or anything, and ate what she wanted, but she never had any health issues.

She had been working herself ragged, and between trying to be the best surgeon and avoiding Derek and Addison, she never took time to take care of herself.

Meredith woke up one morning, and bolted to the bathroom. She dropped to her knees in front of the toilet and threw up violently into the toilet.

"Meredith! We gotta go!" Izzie yelled as she pounded on the door. Meredith couldn't answer.

"Mer?" Izzie asked opening the door a little bit. "Oh, Mer." She said, kneeling down and rubbing her back. "You're burning up." Izzie said, feeling her forehead.

"George!" Izzie yelled. George came running over and leaned on the door frame. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Merediths sick. She probably shouldn't be alone, so tell Bailey we won't be in." Izzie said.

"No, I'm fi-" Meredith started before hurling once more.

"I'll tell her. Do you need me to pick up anything after my shift?" George asked. "Pepto, and maybe some saltines." Izzie said. George nodded and said goodbye before leaving.

"Let's get you back to bed." She said. "Iz, you can go. I'm fine." Meredith said, climbing back into bed. Izzie ignored her and went to the bathroom to find a thermometer.

"Jeez, Meredith, you have a 103 degree fever. Lay down and take this." Izzie said, handing her a few Tylenol's. Meredith did so.

"What's going on with you?" Izzie asked. "N-nothing. I'm fine." Meredith replied, shivering. "I'm gonna go downstairs. Call me if you need me." Izzie said.


George got to the hospital and went to Bailey, who just so happened to be talking to Derek. "O'Malley!" Bailey snapped. "Where's Grey and stevens?"

"Meredith is sick at home and izzie didn't want to leave her alone." George replied. "Meredith is sick?" Derek asked. "Why did izzie have to stay with her?" Bailey asked.

"She didn't look so good this morning." George said.

Bailey sighed. "All right. Let's go O'Malley, Karev is here somewhere."


It had been quite some time since Izzie went downstairs. "Mer! Do you want something to eat?" Izzie yelled from downstairs. No answer.

Izzie walked up the stairs and knocked on Merediths door. No answer. She opened the door and expected to find her snoring away. But no. Nothing.

Izzie frowned and walked over, shaking her shoulder lightly. "Meredith." She said. Izzie felt her forehead, and she was burning up even worse than before.

"Meredith. Wake up." Izzie said, feeling for a pulse. It was weak and thready. Izzie grabbed her phone and dialed 911. "I need an ambulance right away. 3138 Harper Lane."


The ambulance came and izzie led them upstairs. "Does she have any medical conditions we need to know of?" A paramedic asked.

"Not that I know of. She was pretty sick this morning, throwing up and had a high fever, but I'm pretty sure it's higher." Izzie replied as Meredith was put into a stretcher.

She was loaded into the ambulance and attached to machines. "See all this bruising?" The paramedic asked to other one, pointing to her legs and arms.

"Cancer?" Izzie blurted. "Sorry...we're surgical interns." She said.

"It could be." The paramedic responded.

The ambulance arrived and opened the doors. "Meredith grey, 32, fever of 104.7. Patient was unconscious when we arrived on scene and has not gained consciousness."

"Meredith?" Bailey asked in concern as they wheeled her quickly into the trauma bay. "What happened?" Derek asked running up to them. "Leave Shepherd. We got her." Richard said.

"What happened?" He repeated. "I-I don't know. I gave her some Tylenol and went downstairs to cook and I came back up and she wasn't responding." Izzie stammered.

"What's all this bruising?" Bailey asked with a concerned frown. "Did someone hurt her?" Derek asked angrily. "She's been super busy, she doesn't go out anymore." George replied.

"We need to run labs. Shotgun her." Richard ordered. "And start an IV." He said.

Meredith moaned and shivered. She was freezing. So cold. And she was so dizzy. "Meredith, can you hear me? It's Bailey, your resident."

Meredith opened her eyes slowly. "C-cold." Meredith stuttered. "You have a very high fever. We're running tests now." Bailey said as George laid a cooling blanket on Meredith.

"C-cold." Meredith whispered. "I know, Meredith, but we have to get your temp down as soon as possible." Izzie said.

"Don't feel good." Meredith admitted. "Really don't-" Meredith began, before she threw up all over herself. "Oh, Grey." Bailey said sympathetically as she pulled off the soiled blankets.

"What's going on?" Derek asked, speaking up from the corner. "We don't know, Shepherd. We need labs first." Bailey replied. "Derek?" Meredith mumbled. She was clearly disorientated.

"I'm here, Meredith. Don't worry. You're gonna be just fine." Derek replied, moving to take her hand before izzie stopped her. "No. You have a wife. I'm not letting you break her again." She said quietly.

Derek nodded and stepped back. "Where are the damn labs?" Richard snapped, putting an oxygen mask on Merediths face as her pulse ox fell a bit.

"Here are labs." Another intern said, handing them to George.

"Dr Bailey, Dr Webber , can I speak to you outside for a moment?" George asked. The two of them stepped outside of the room and gathered.

"Let me see them." Richard said. George handed the papers over to Richard, who looked them over. "Oh god." He muttered, handing them to Bailey.

"We have to tell her right away." Bailey said with a frown.


Meredith was situated into her own room and when she was comfortable, everyone came in to tell her the news.

"What's wrong with me?" Meredith asked quietly. Richard, Bailey, George, Cristina, who had been informed of the situation, and izzie were all in the room.

"Labs came back-"

"Just tell me what's wrong with me. Don't sugercoat it." Meredith cut her off weakly.

"You have stage 4 leukemia."

Hey guys! So, new story. If you guys like it and want me to continue it, please let me know by voting or commenting. I hope you are all doing well!

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