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Heya guys sorry for not posting, but I needed some time to myself for school and tests and im really sorry but the updates might be a little all over the place so it could be once in a while. This book will not be discontinued unless I say so. Also sorry bout the April fools prank 😅. Anyway enjoy this chapter and give me some little ideas in the comments, or tell me what u think of it.

Mia and Midoriya were entering the airport, guided by their butler. They entered the airport and Midoriya sighed. Back here again huh.

He'd never imagined he would go back any time soon but here he was. After pacing through the endless check ins and outs, while trying to escape from rabid fans and paparazzi they finally made it to the private jet.

They sighed in relief, Midoriya questioning whether becoming a hero was worth it with all of the crazy fans.

Ascending the jet's stairs they sat down in their seats and rested.

Midoriya POV

Im actually really nervous about going back and I haven't even told All Might or Aizawa sensei. In a way I'm glad about going back, I'll get to see my friends...well what's left of them.

I looked over at Mia scrolling through her phone, I'm glad she's with me.

I feel so tired I might just get some rest as well.

Third person POV

Just as he was about to shut his eyes he heard his name being called.

"Hey Izu," Mia called.

His eyes fluttered a bit before settling.


"I'm sorry to spring this on you but as soon as we land in Japan we have a hero gala to attend, I was supposed to be a special guest and it completely slipped my mind."

She massaged her temples in frustration.

He pondered before answering.

"Oh ok yeah that's fine, as soon as we land, So no visits for now?"

She nodded slowly,

"Sorry Zuku I know you wanted to see them as soon as we got there," she muttered an apology while ruffling his hair gently.

He grinned widely while waving his hand,

"Nah its fine Mia don't worry it's all good, at least you'll get to show me off." He added smugly.

"Oh yeah sureee," she countered playfully.

They laughed for a while, joking with each other.

"OK Zuku get some sleep now we have a long flight ahead of us."

*Time skip*

Touching down at the airport was rough after a long journey. Which was only about to be lengthened more with the constant pestering of the media. Who wouldn't stop going after the pro and her sibling even after she got in the car.

The news of America's number one arriving had spread all over Japan like wildfire. Many pros were excited yet slightly unnerved to be meeting her. However the majority of heroes and the public did not even know what she looked like. She was a mystery to the public, a phantom. But she was about to make herself and Izuku known to the world, in an ungodly manner.

Time skip again (sorry guysss)

Izuku POV

A while had passed since we arrived at Mia's agency...jeez it was built fast. It was an outrageously large building in the centre of Musutafu, covered in hundreds of one way mirrors. Classy. Im sure no one would miss it for miles.

Since Mia had told me about the Gala, obviously I had to attend...but what to wear. I was brought out of my thoughts by my name being called.

I ran to where the voice came from, which was hard to locate, I actually walked into a training session first instead of my sister's room. It was embarrassing to say the least.

I stumbled in awkwardly to find Mia sat on her bed surrounded by several gowns of all sizes and colours.

"Err Mia, you good?

She looked at me with a 'does it look like im okay' face.

"The Gala is in 2 HOURS, how am I going to pick a dress, put makeup on, find shoes and be done by then?" She yelled exasperated.

I didn't know how to help so I simply said,

"Well we could match our outfits, I also have trouble picking a suit," I admitted.

It seemed like I had held a cake in front of her, the way her face lit up.

"Yaaaas that'd be so cool we would be matching," she shouted giddily.

"You know sometimes it feels like im the adult and you're the weird child," I said smugly, before breaking out into laughter.

"Ha ha, very funny...NOT," She deadpanned.

3rd person

After many small arguments over what to wear and how they should match, they finally agreed on their outfits.

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Credits to artist

Once they were both done and happy with how they looked, they made their way to the private car which was waiting outside the agency, ready to take them to the party

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Once they were both done and happy with how they looked, they made their way to the private car which was waiting outside the agency, ready to take them to the party.

Okay I apologise again for not having written in a LONG time. I had writers block for a while. So soz if this chapters trash. I just wanted to get a chapter out. Again its not discontinued I promise 😅😅😅 sooo hopefully next chapter will be more exciting 😏 also will be revealing the love interest for Mia, AKA me dont hate on me for who I simp for 😩😩😩 soooo enjoy ig. Oh wait also please give me advice on how I can improve my writing, any would help alot, and I'd appreciate it. <3

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