I'm going to be Ok

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Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while, I shall waste no more time, enjoy the chapter.

3rd Person POV

The group of students' attention was directed towards a chalk drawn circle next to them.

"First will be ball throw, it's pretty simple, all you have to do is stand in the circle and throw the ball as far as you can without stepping out of it, understand." Mr Slade instructed.

"Yes sir," They chorused.

The ACES volunteered to go first, one by one slowly breaking away from the group to go and participate. First up was Violet.

She advanced towards the circle, her timid self slowly disappearing. She took a deep breath and started to summon a ghost army. This was a rare sight to see for the class except the ACES of course.

She started whispering to them, giving them instructions on what to do. When suddenly all of the ghosts had somehow managed to build a phantom tank. She simply popped the ball in the funnel and watched as the ball ricocheted into the sky and beyond sight.

"Well done Miss Violet, you threw the ball 3,895.8m in distance, you should be proud, Next." Mr Slade quickly commented.

She turned back around and saw the astounded looks on her classmates faces and the smirks on her friends.

Bowing and then walking back to her group with a small smile gracing her.

"That was awesome."

"Cool little sis."


Compliments were thrown at her, making her quite a bright pink colour in complexion. Deku laughed at the sight, she could rival Mina, she's that pink.

Next up was Jace and he was excited to show off his skills to the crowd, cracking his fingers and stretching exaggeratingly.

"Alright everyone, prepared to be amazed." He said smugly.

"I'll prepare to be amazed when pigs fly," Axel yelled while smirking.

"Oh shut up demon boy." He retaliated.

"Get on with the test Mr Jace," Mr Slade said sternly.

He nervously chuckled and stepped into the circle, thinking of ways to get a high score. Finally he got an idea.

Onlookers could only watch as he produced a shadow bazooka.

He casually put the ball in the bazooka and fired it into the sky.

"How's that for show?" He crossed his arms waiting for his score.

"Well done Mr Jace you got 3,890.8m in distance, Next."

Axel burst out laughing, nearly falling on to the floor.


Jace just slumped and walked back, defeated.

(I'm too lazy to write the rest of this, imagine the rest of the ACES did amazingly)

-Time Skip-

After the ACES had received their scores the rest of the class had their go and got seemingly average scores, none of them topping the ACES though.

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