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The rest of the meeting was all explanatory - the crown heir and the new council taking questions about how the process would work, and what this meant for the kingdom in years to come. No one outright objected to the changes, although you spied a few of Etienne's court members that had survived the battle grumbling to themselves about 'rewarding the invaders'. 

Beside you, Phil had grabbed your hand, squeezing excitedly. 

It hadn't lasted too long - two hours at the most - as the crown heir had wanted to let everyone rest for a bit before the real work started. Much would have to be done to repair the palace from the battle, not to mention that there would have to be new laws put into place by the council to ensure that nothing like this ever happened again. These sorts of things were to be expected after a war of this caliber though, and you were sure that if you were someone of importance, you would be growing grey hairs. 

That being said, you were only a mail carrier that had gotten wrapped up in it all, and you were more concerned about taking a bath. 

The meeting was just wrapping up when you turned, craning your neck up to whisper in Phil's ear. "Do you think the baths are still working?"

Phil hummed quietly. "Dunno." He said. "It wouldn't hurt to try - I'm sure I smell great. Not quite sure where those would be though."

You hummed in agreement - even if the baths were still working, you didn't know enough about the layout of the palace to actually find them. Fortunatley for you though, you knew plenty of people who did. 

The council had stepped down from the dias now, intermingling with the rest of the gathered crowd, no doubt accepting congratulations and well wishes from the people. Your eyes scanned over the room with purpose - looking for a familiar mop of dark ringlet curls. When a flash of purple caught the corner of your eye, you started forward, Phil keeping pace behind you.


The figure didn't turn around when you called out, but you still pushed through the crowd to get to them, gently tapping on their shoulder. At your contact, they turned their head, purple eyes looking down at you. It hit you then that you'd had the wrong twin - this was Deirdre, not her brother.

"The messenger." She said, eyes narrowing slightly as they slipped to Phil. "And the Angel of Death." She paused. "What can I do for you both?"

"I was just wondering if you could tell us where the baths are." You said. "If they're still intact, that is."

Deirdre glanced between you and Phil again - no doubt she was going to tell someone about this later - but she said nothing, just extending her hands, so that you and Phil could grab on.

The air shifted around you, and for a moment it felt like the world was compressing together, squeezing down on you so that the only sensation was Deirdre's hand in yours, but then your feet touched smooth tiled ground, and you could breathe again. Opening your eyes, you were met with the royal baths - one of the walls had crumbled in, but other than that everything was intact. 

"Thank you Deirdre." Phil said.

"Of course." Deirdre returned, shooting you a knowing look. "Enjoy your bath." With that, she was gone in a burst of purple wisps, leaving you and Phil alone in the room. 

Despite Deirdre's implications, you and Phil were both more concerned with actually getting clean than anything else you might have gotten up to in the baths - you had just fought a war after all. Luckily, none of the pipes had been damaged in the onslaught from the pillager's catapults, and it didn't take long for the basins to fill with water. You were quick to scrub off all the grime and rubble that had been sticking to you, and your skin felt all the more fresh afterwards. 

When you were done with your baths, you and Phil dressed again before heading out to the balcony outside the room, where the sun would dry Phil's wings off. You had a good view of the palace gates from here, and you could see a military troupe gathering at the front as you brushed through the feathers of Phil's wings, straightening them out.

"Those are Eret's men, aren't they?" You asked, nodding down at the gathering troupe. 

Phil nodded, doing his best to straighten out the wing you weren't working on. "They're all heading home today - and apparently one of Etienne's old court members is going with them."


Phil grinned slightly. "There's a rumor going around that King Eret fell madly in love with whoever it is."

"He seems like a good lad." You said. "Anyone would be lucky to have him."

The conversation fell quiet for a moment as you focused more on combing through Phil's feathers until they all fell back in their correct positions and shined under the sunlight. You were just about to move onto the next wing when he spoke, breaking the comfortable silence. 

"I'm probably going to head back to my own home soon." Phil said. 

"Ah." You replied, a little pang in your chest. Of course he would have to leave at some point-

"You could always come back with me, if you wanted." 

You paused in your methodical combing of his feathers to look him in the eye. "Really?"

Phil shrugged. "You were helpful around the farm, and it was nice to have some company other than the crows-"

Rolling your eyes, you leaned over his shoulder to press a gentle kiss to the side of his forehead. "Of course I'll come back with you."

"Great." Phil said, the corner of his mouth curling up into a smile. You went back to your combing, unable to stop yourself from smiling as well. You were going back to the birdhouse with Phil.

"Before we go though," Phil said. "I've got to get rid of that Totem."

The comment took you by surprise. "What, really?" You asked. "Why?"

Phil looked down at the troupe of soldiers gathered by the gates. "It's more trouble than it's worth." He said, turning to look at you. "And really, who would want to live forever anyway?"

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