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The rest of your sheep shearing experience was without incident. Phil managed to get the rest of the rams under control while you sheared away - though you kept a watchful eye just in case. After a few hours though, your vigilance faded - it had just been a one off thing, and Phil could handle himself. He had been around since the beginning of the world for Jeb's sake - he could handle himself.

You spent almost the whole day in the abandoned village turned animal pen - partly to shear sheep but partly because you were curious. After the sheep had been sheared, you explored - peering into all of the old houses and around all the corners. Phil just watched, obviously amused.

When the sun started to dip low in the sky, you and Phil gathered up all the wool you had collected back into the bucket you had brought - along with the shears and the gloves and things. You held onto the bucket tight as Phil scooped you back up under the shoulders and lifted you into the sky.

The view of the sunset was beautiful as you flew back to the house.

When you touched back down at the house, Phil took the bucket back from you. "I've got to get this all organized but feel free to get yourself something to eat, I know you're probably hungry."

"Oh, alright sure." You said.

Phil smiled before he jumped back off the deck, wings splayed out as he hurtled towards the ground with the bucket of wool in hand. You laughed a little at the dramatic display - he would be fine, of course. You cracked open the door and slipped inside. You flicked on the lanterns as you walked in, heading over to see what food Phil had in the house.

You found a wide selection of things - all fresh from his farm or the forest. The palace chefs would have killed to get their hands on some of this stuff. As you sorted through the ingredients, recipes darted through your head. Whatever you were going to make, you wanted to make something for Phil too. It was the least you could do after he took you in and healed your ankle.

You figured you had a good amount of time while Phil put everything away and sorted through all the wool you had gathered today. You gathered what ingredients you wanted - snap peas, tomatoes, lettuce and some chicken - and began to work, sorting through the small kitchen for spices and oils to add to the flavor and striking up a fire on the stove.

You were about halfway through the process when you heard a thump outside and the door opened again, allowing Phil to duck into the house. You could feel his eyes lock onto you as he shrugged off his coat. "I didn't think you were going to make a whole meal."

"I figured you would be hungry too." You said, laying your pieces of chicken down onto the pan so that they began to cook. "Thought I might make something for the both of us."

"Oh." Phil said. "How thoughtful."

You could hear him settle down at the table as you continued to cook, the wooden chair creaking under his weight. "Can I ask what you're making?"

"It's a surprise." You said.

"Well, considering I know what ingredients were in the house it can't be that much of a surprise." Phil said.

You huffed out a laugh. "Fine, I was going to make a salad, maybe put some chicken in it for some substance."

Phil leaned back onto the heel of his chair. "Sounds good to me."

You continued on your process, aware of the eyes on your back as you worked. You could feel in the air that Phil was waiting to say something. The silence stretched on for a moment, until you turned slightly to look at him behind you, asking, "Yeah?"

Phil hummed. "I never got to properly thank you for giving me a heads up that that ram was coming for me." He paused, smiling slightly. "And now you're making me dinner. It's proper domestic."

You grinned a little at that as well. "I suppose, yeah."

As you turned back to make sure your cooking was going alright, it hit you just how much had changed in your life since you had ended up here. Phil had taken you under his wing, for lack of a better expression, only out of the goodness of his heart. If he hadn't stumbled across you that night, you would have been much worse off than a sprained ankle. In the aftermath, you'd thought that you would have had to fight to stay - but he hadn't even batted an eye when you'd made yourself comfortable in his home.

Perhaps he was lonelier than he had let on in the beginning. What with the way he had reacted when you'd told him that Herobrine had a son, or that Lord Technoblade was married...

Maybe this little newfound almost-friendship was not just beneficial for you.

You finished cooking the chicken, moving instead to putting the salad together. You tossed everything together, dripping a little oil as dressing on top before you added the pieces of chicken, stirring it all together in a bowl. When it was done, you took the bowl and turned around, placing it in the center of the table. "All done."

Phil peered over the edge of the bowl, one eyebrow raised. "Looks pretty good." He said.

You grabbed some plates and forks from the pile of clean utensils and passed one set to Phil, letting him serve himself from the bowl. He gave himself a hefty helping before passing the bowl to you and letting you have the rest.

You dug in at the same time. You watched his face as he ate, eyebrows still furrowed as he deciphered the food. "Actually, that's really good." He said, going in for another bite.

You grinned, going back to your own plate, a little flutter in your stomach.

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