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You weren't quite sure where the Angel had flown you, as it only grew darker and you hadn't really known the area anyway, but soon enough you were touching down on the deck of a house in the trees. From what you could see in the moonlight, it wasn't that big and it was held up by two tall pines. If you weren't looking up, you could walk right under and not even know it was there.

The Angel landed as gently as he could, holding your arm that had been wrapped around his shoulder there so that you could put your weight on him as you walked into the house proper. The interior was well lived in - everything had a purpose. Two cots were pushed against one of the walls in the back, a chest of drawers in between them. A fire crackled in a fireplace nearby - a hook to hold a cooking pot mounted on the stone. It was practical, but homey.

The Angel set you down on a wooden chair. "Don't move."

You settled down into the seat, letting your ankle breath for a moment. You watched as the Angel turned to one of the many cabinets around the place and began to rummage through it, muttering to himself again. In the light of the house, you got a better look at him - he looked less terrifying now, but still younger than you would have thought.

Finding what he wanted, the Angel turned back to you, holding supplies to make a splint, some bandages and a bottle that contained a swirling pink liquid. He crossed the room in a few steps before crouching down in front of you, wings folding against his back. He looked smaller without them unfurled.

Gentle hands propped up your leg so that he could inspect the ankle. It was already purpling, and just the small movement of the Angel lifting your leg was enough to make you grit your teeth slightly.

"This is going to hurt a bit." The Angel said, propping your foot up on his knee so that your ankle was eye level with him.

You let out a heavy exhale as he began to wrap the splint to your ankle, making sure the bandages were nice and tight so that it would do it's job. He worked efficiently and with practiced ease, like he had done this same thing thousands of times before. With how old he was - or said he was anyway - you had no doubt that he probably had.

He tied off the bandage neatly, and handed you the bottle of pink liquid. "Drink this."

You took it from him, popping open the cork and downing it all in one go. As soon as the liquid hit the back of your throat you started to feel better, the sharp pain in your ankle immediately dulling to a throb. You finally fully relaxed, letting the tension drain from your body. "Thank you, uh..." You trailed off, not sure if you were allowed to call him by his true name. The king had given it to you, sure, but that was because they had known each other since the founding of the kingdom. It could be seen as disrespectful, or-"

"Phil." The Angel said, taking the now empty bottle from you and putting it back where he had found it.

"Thank you Phil." You said.

"Not a problem." Phil replied, shutting the cabinet door and turning to face you again. "Now, that should heal up alright, it didn't look too bad but I didn't want you to make it worse. I'll fly you back to Etienne's castle so that you don't have to limp back by yourself-"

"But you haven't even looked at the message yet." You said. "I'm supposed to bring back, well... you, when I return."

Phil reached down, pulling the still sealed scroll from his pocket. With a flick of the wrist, he flipped the roll of paper onto the table nearby, where it rolled to a stop on the edge. "Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"I wasn't planning on opening it." Phil said, completely deadpan. "I don't really have time to fight a war right now anyway - my cats going to have kittens soon, so that'll probably take up a good amount of time."

You blinked slowly, eyes drifting back to Phil from the scroll now on the table. "You were just going to say no? Without even reading the letter?"

"Yeah." Phil said. "Honestly I don't care about whatever mess Etienne's gotten himself into now - his kingdom, his problem. He's the one that wanted to be king anyway."

"But..." You weren't quite sure how to even explain how important it was that you managed to bring Phil back to the castle. This could be the fate of the war - the entire kingdom - and the king himself was counting on you to do this. If you failed, it was the end of your entire life (perhaps not literally, but certainly for your career - maybe even your citizenship in the kingdom).

"No hard feelings, alright?" Phil said, turning his back on you again as he busied himself around the house. "If it makes you feel any better, you can tell Etienne exactly what I said, and put all the fault on me-"

"No." You said, twisting in your seat to look Phil in the eye. "I either go back with you, or I don't go back at all."

Phil looked down at you, blinking slow. You could see the wheels turning in his head as he stared you down, trying to gauge just how serious you were being. You held his look without any hesitance - you were deadly serious. You were simply not going to leave until he at least opened the letter.

After a few moments Phil huffed a bit, shaking his head. "It's probably better for your ankle if you stay the night anyway... you can have the spare cot."

You twisted back in your seat, knowing that you would stay here a lot longer than just one night - however long it took.

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