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It wasn't too long after you'd eaten that you and Phil turned in for the night, settling down in the cots and falling asleep as the fire smoldered in the fireplace. As expected after a long day of work, you fell into a peaceful slumber easily. You dreamt of fiery paper raining down from the heavens - but you weren't too surprised.

When you woke, it was early morning and Phil was pulling his hat on again.

"Morning." He said, glancing over when he saw you stir from your sleep. "There's leftovers from last night if you want, and I think there's some bread too."

You pulled yourself out of bed, stretching your arms over your head as your eyes adjusted to the early morning light. "Some bread would be nice." You said, working the sleep from your voice. You didn't feel too sore from the farm work yesterday, which was a pleasant surprise. You leaned backwards cracking your spine.

"Can do." Phil said, crossing the room to grab the loaf of bread that sat out on the counter. He sliced off two pieces, handing them to you. "How're you feeling? And hows the ankle?"

"Alright." You said, taking the bread from him and ripping a piece off with your teeth. "Can barely even feel the throb in my ankle anymore, and it doesn't bother me too much when I put weight on it anymore."

"That's good." Phil said. "Looks like the potion did it's job then."

You ate your bread as you watched Phil lace up his boots. He went around the house, gathering up different things from where he had stored them - leads and shears and the same gloves he had given you yesterday to work in the farm. There was

When you finished your bread, you went over to where you had left your boots and slipped your feet into them. "What are we doing today?" You asked.

Phil didn't even question the fact that you were getting ready to leave the house as well - but then again, he hadn't even been bothered that you had planted yourself right into the middle of his home and insisted you were going to stay until he came back to the kingdom with you - or at least opened the letter. "Got to shear the sheep today." He said. "I'll show you where I hide the livestock."

It didn't take too long for you to lace up your boots and for Phil to press another pair of gloves into your hands, and then you were holding onto his shoulders as he unfurled his wings and leapt from the edge of the deck, swooping over the trees. You watched as the spruce forests passed underneath you, trying to discern where exactly he would be hiding an entire livestock farm.

You wouldn't have guessed in an abandoned spruce village.

You got a good look at it as Phil swooped down towards the ground. Using the houses strategically, he'd turned the whole village into a giant pen for his sheep. Approaching the village on your own, you would have just assumed that they'd had a fence around the place at one point - another genius way to hide that he even existed.

Phil lowered you to the ground near the center of the once-town and you stumbled a bit as you got your footing back. Phil landed gracefully a few feet away, tucking his wings neatly behind him. You set down the bucket of supplies he had handed you for the flight, looking around at the empty houses around you.

"So where are the sheep?" You asked.

"They should come out here as soon as I do this." Phil said, reaching into the pocket of his coat and pulling out a bundle of wheat. He shook it a few times so that the stalks brushed together, and sure enough, as soon as they heard the rustle of the wheat, you noticed a few fluffy head poking out from some of the houses.

"Here." Phil said, reaching down into the bucket of supplies and handing you the shears. "Do you know how to shear a sheep?"

"I understand the concept." You said.

"S' good enough." Phil said, reaching down into the buck to grab the leads. "I'll get the rams tied up to the fence so you don't have to worry about getting hit."

"Alright." You said. Phil handed you half of the wheat before heading off, lead in his hand. He didn't go too far, more interested in coaxing the sheep out from where they had been hiding. You turned back around, rustling the wheat he had given you together in an attempt to do the same.

Soon enough, the sheep deemed you not a threat and were coming forward, enticed by the wheat in your hand. They were docile enough, and let you shear them without complaint - they seemed almost happy to be rid of the wool. The work was mindless and easy, and in a short while there was a pile of sheared wool beside you.

You had sheared almost every sheep that had made it's way over to you when you turned around to see how Phil was doing. His back was to you, but he had made some good progress - two rams were safely secured to the fence, and he was trying to help one that had gotten it's horns stuck between the board of the fence.

You were just about to turn back around when you noticed another ram, digging it's hooves through the ground, ready to charge at Phil. The thing took off running, and you leapt to your feet. "Phil!"

His eyes snapped to you, and then to the ram. With a great flap of his wings, he took to the air, the ram that had been charging at him flying past where he had been standing and hitting it's horns into the side of one of the abandoned houses instead, dazing itself.

Phil came back down from the sky, looking a little shaken. "Thanks."

"Yeah." You said, still eyeing the ram as it shook it's head. "Anytime."

You could feel Phil's eyes on you as you turned back around to work.

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