08) You.

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Marinette's POV:
After a night of solid overthinking and hardly any sleep, the sound of my alarm rescued me from my agony.

 "Today is going to be a long day." I mumble, silencing my phone. Tikki was still asleep, curled up in a ball next to Plagg, so I decided to let them be for a little longer. To say I felt horrible was an understatement. Groggy was the only term I decided could match how I was feeling. Deciding a shower would do me some good, I let the hot water run down my body, relaxing me. My fingers trailed up to my lips, where Adriens were just yesterday, I could still feel the tingle as a blush creeped its way onto my face. 

"Marinette, are you okay? You've been in the shower for ages." A knock at the door was heard. I quickly shut off the tap, not realising how long I'd been in the water for, but long enough for my fingers to become prunes.

"Yeah, I'm great, Mother." I called back.

"Alright, well hurry before you're late." She said before departing from the door.

"Tikki, Plagg, it's time to get up." Gently nudging the two Kwami's awake.

"Where's my cheese." Plagg replied, barely opening his eyes.

"Get up and I'll give you some." I laughed. Tikki soon stirred and left Plagg's side.

"Come on, Plagg." Tikki pulled him by his little stubby arms, sending him flying.

"This is bullying." Plagg cried.

"If you want bullying, I can bully you." Tikki teased.

"Sugarcube, that isn't very nice." He teased her back.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me Sugarcube!" Tikki shot back, folding her small arms across her chest. I laughed at their little argument before ushering them into my bag, promising to sneak them their favourite foods once I'm down at the kitchen.

"Marinette! Do you want anything to eat?" My Mother asked.

"No time to talk, I'm going to be late!" I explained, stuffing Camenbert and Cookies in my purse.

"Okay.. well have a good day at school, honey!" I heard her reassure me as I bounded out the front door.

Approaching the school, I saw Alya waiting patiently for me on top of the stairs.

"Hey girl!" She greeted me.

"Hey Alya!" I repeated.

"Lowkey proud you're not late today, but girl did you even sleep last night?" Alya observed.

"Haha.. not really. I'm not really sure why." I lied.

"Hm, alright then. Well let's head inside before we are actually late." Alya advised.

"Good idea." I agreed.

Upon entering the classroom, my stomach did a flip at the sight of Adrien.. And potentially Chat Noir.

"Hey Marinette!" Adrien perked up and looked at me.

"H-hey!" I replied, somewhat nervous considering the conversation I, or well, Ladybug will be having with him in a bit.

"Hey dudes!" Nino pitched into the conversation. It's very obvious of the crush Nino and Alya have on each other as Nino hangs his arm around Alya as she leans in on him. Miss Bustier soon followed us into the classroom and immediately began teaching. The butterflies in my stomach just made me feel nauseous. I was extremely nervous to face Adrien. I had to keep reminding myself that there's still a slight possibility he isn't Chat Noir.

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