06) Denial.

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Marinette's POV:

If there's one thing you get out of having a crush on Adrien Agreste while being 'good' friends with him, is hidden information. For example, he always keeps a window to his room open, no matter what. Which is exactly how I plan for both Rena and I to break into his room. We stood opposite his house, looking into his window. There he was, sitting at his desk. He was staring at his computer, I wonder why?

"Earth to Ladybug." A hand being waved in front of my face distracted me from my trance.

"What? Oh- Sorry." I flushed.

"So, what's your plan then?" Rena questioned.
"See that open window? That's how we're going to get in." Pointing to it.

"Right... Two superhero's showing up uninvited to your house, breaking into your room and begin questioning you. Yeah. I see no problem." Standing back with her arms crossed.
"Haha, very funny. But it's our only choice." Focusing my attention onto the window.

"Let's do this then."

Adrien's POV:

I can remember that day. Her laugh, her smile, her warmth. It's weird to say I envy my old self, my happy self. The reflection of my Mother holding me in her arms with the world's warmest smile looked back at me. It was a comforting photo. Lost in our eyes of a green ocean, I turned around upon hearing a thump from my window. Ladybug and Rena Rouge gracefully landed into my room. Perhaps Ladybug has caught on? But I didn't want Rena knowing who I was.

"Ladybug?" Though it sounded more of a statement than a question.

"Rena? What are you guys doing here?" Looking at the time on my computer, whatever they were here for they had to make it quick, I have a photoshoot soon and Nathalie is supposed to be here in 5 minutes.

"We just have a couple things to ask you." Rena spoke for Ladybug.

"I've been sent on a 'scavenger hunt' by a civilian trying to find somebody, and you happen to fit the description." Finding amusement in Ladybug's made up story. A part of me wanted this to be all over and done with, but another part of me wanted to make it more difficult and see just how far she goes.

"Do you know anything about this?" Her eyes searched mine.

"No, I don't." Biting my tongue to stop the smart remarks I was brewing up in my head.

"The only people I come into contact with are my school friends, my family, and my colleagues. I don't have time for silly civilian tricks." Finding any kind of excuse. A knock at the door makes us all panic.

"Quick, that's Nathalie coming to get me. You need to leave. Now." Quickly pointing to the window as they clambered to get out.

"This isn't a goodbye, Adrien Agreste." Ladybug said, before leaping up and out of the window with Rena on her tail. There was something about the way Ladybug said my full name that reminded me so much of someone, but I can't just put my finger on who.

"Mr. Agreste, are you ready? Who are you talking to?" Nathalie asked as she opened the door, stepping in to see me.

"Uh- Oh, no one. Just myself." Giving a half-hearted laugh. Nathalie kept her posture.

"Very well, come along. We don't want to be late." Her emotionless voice instructed.

"I'm coming." Following her out of the door. Here we go again.

Marinette's POV:

The sun was setting over the skies of Paris, creating a golden hue in its slumber. Rena and I both ducked for cover in an alley, away from the citizens.

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