Chapter 20 (Sinking)

Start from the beginning

The bus ride was quiet, they were one of the few people riding the bus at this hour. Hajime leaned his head against Nagito’s shoulder and closed his eyes, sighing in comfort. Nagito chuckled and ruffled the brunette's hair before taking a hold of his hand again, gently running his thumb across Hajime’s knuckles. After a while Hajime looked over out the window to see where they were. He noticed the familiar surroundings and reached across Nagito to pull the cord. “My stop is coming up..” he said, sounding more disappointed than me meant to. Hajime feels a hand on his chin and his face being lifted up to Nagito’s, his heart sped up as the younger boy placed a gentle kiss to his lips. 

“I’ll see you tomorrow then. Sleep well Hajime.” 

“Uh y-yeah! You too.” Hajime responded in  a hushed voice. The brunette got up to leave the bus, making sure to wave to Nagito before he stepped off. Hajime slowly walked back to his home with a giddy smile on his face. He couldn't wait to tell Chiaki about everything. He looked up from the ground when he got closer to his house and saw that the lights were still on. Meaning his parents were still awake.. “Shit..” Hajime cursed under his breath, desperately hoping they wouldn’t say anything about him coming home late. He didn't want to explain where he had been at this hour. 

Reluctantly Hajime pushed open the door, wincing as it creaked. Hajime scanned the entrance way and part of the living room. He didn’t see any sign of his parents. Maybe they aren’t home..? Being cautious of his steps he slipped off his shoes then headed for his room. Just as Hajime was about to dash up the stairs a grasp on his arm stopped him. He felt his stomach drop, his face paled as he froze in place. 

“Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence.” The voice of his mother spat. “Care to explain where you have been.”

Don’t panic..don’t panic.. Hajime repeated in his head trying to form an explanation. “I- uhm.. I was..uh..” 

His mother scoffed and forcefully turned him around to face her, the grip on his arm tightening. “Spit it out.”

Hajime bit the inside of his cheek, trying not to wince or make any expressions that would get him into more trouble. “I..I was out with a friend…he took me to see t-this light f-festival thing..” The brunette mumbled averting his eyes from his mothers venomous stare. 

“He?” responded the furious woman before him. 

Hajime’s face paled once again, he realized he must have subconsciously smiled while speaking. Shit...shit what have I done…

His mother let go of his arm only to grab him roughly by his chin. “Oh I see. You are a little fag. God. How disgusting. I thought you couldn’t get any worse.” His mother whispered with a wicked smile. 

Hajime’s vision started to blur, a ringing in his ears getting increasingly louder. I’m a what...she didn’t just..I’m her own… Hajime couldn’t breathe, he felt like he was suffocating everything was crashing down on him at once. He was snapped out of his trance by a painful sting on his right cheek. Bringing his hand to his face he looked up at his mother. She was glaring down at him with force. She hit me… Hajime felt horrified, sure she was terrible to him verbally but he didn't think she would take it this far. The shaking boy saw her lips move but no words came out. He couldn’t make out what she was saying, he couldn’t hear anything...Panic was seeping into him now, he dreaded to even blink. He was paralized. 

With a swift motion Hajime’s “mother” lifted her hand again slapping the other side on his face. Hajime’s knees buckled in fear as he dropped to the ground clutching his face. 

“Hm. Worthless. Boys don’t cry.” Were the only words he could make out before his mother stomped away and out of the house, slamming the door in her wake. Hajime flinched at the sound. Slowly he picked himself up and trudged to his bedroom, eyes locked on the floor. He pushed open the door and looked over to the mirror above his desk. Two bright red marks stained his cheeks, he ran his fingers across them, still in disbelief. Once again his eyes filled with tears as he looked at himself, he felt sick with who he saw staring back at him.

Covering his mouth and holding his stomach he rushed to his bathroom, dry heaving into the sink. The brunette buried his face into his hands and he sobbed into his sleeves, falling to the ground, probably bruising his knees as they hit the tile. 

Hajime had never felt so helpless, he felt so empty so worthless. He hated it, he hated the way he felt. I just want this to stop..I need everything to stop.. The shaking boy’s broken sobbs echoed through the bathroom until he could no longer keep his eyes open. So he lied there, passed out from the exhaustion of spilling his tears on the cold tile.

1620 words uh yeah that happened- please forgive me for luring you in with fluff then dropping an angst bomb..

i feel like im actually pretty good at writing angst but i dont wanna make you guys sad oof- just a little longer then things will be okay again

oh yeah i wrote this gender neutral Venti comfort oneshot thing so if you guys are interested in that maybe ill make a lil side book of genshin stuff ♡

have a good rest of your day/night and dont be too mad at me heh..


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