Wang Bao dropped to the ground and caught his breath. His eyes stung from the tears streaming down his face but he couldn't wipe them since they wouldn't stop falling. Nakai sat quietly, waiting for Wang Bao to start pacing again but he didn't. After Wang Bao settled down, Nakai asked flatly.

"Do you still have feelings for your brother?"

"...I...No...I don't know. I don't know how I feel about him."

Wang Bao got up from the ground and sat beside Nakai on the bed, his breathing was still a little fast but his tears had finally stopped. Nakai slowly got up and scooped the pieces of photos into the metal box then threw it down the rubbish shoot. The incinerator destroyed everything in seconds while Nakai undressed and entered the shower. Wang Bao had become used to Nakai's comfort in being nude but it still caused his heart to jump every time he saw the Giant's naked body. Before Wang Bao's heart had fully calmed down from the recent events, Nakai had finished showering and came back into the room, still fully naked while rubbing his face dry.

Wang Bao was feeling delicate and didn't want to see Nakai's glory while he was also trying to come to terms with what his Mother was doing to innocent people, he jumped up from the bed and grabbed the towel that Nakai was used to dry his face and head, shoving it to the large thing between his legs instead.

"Can't you have some respect. Cover yourself up."

Nakai shook his short outgrown hair, flicking water onto Wang Bao before grabbing the towel and hanging it around his neck. His dark green eyes staring into Wang Bao's glaring black ones. Wang Bao could feel the air change between them as Nakai leaned forward, his voice quiet and deep.

"Like I've said before. If you don't want to see it, don't look."

Wang Bao's hand was still in the act of holding the towel since Nakai had moved too quickly for his mind to process, and his hand was in direct contact with Nakai's little brother. Wang Bao flinched his hand back once he realised, but before he turned on his heels to get into bed he found his body had been diverted to lay on the bed instead with his back facing Nakai. Nakai's hands were on either side of his head to hold his body above Wang Bao's. From above, Nakai whispered in Wang Bao's ears, his voice sounding a little sultry.

"You have an odd way of saying you want it."

Wang Bao quickly shoved his elbows back into Nakai's ribs, the small jabs did nothing though. With Nakai still directly above him, Wang Bao gritted his teeth in anger while speaking.

"Who said I want that? Get off of me, I'm tired and Pou told everyone to rest early."

Nakai slowly leaned his body down more but made sure to hold most of his weight, Wang Bao felt the heavy body of Nakai come down on him a little more and he tried to wriggle away but he was stuck. His wriggling made his robe move up with every movement and before he knew it, his naked lower half met with Nakai's, causing Wang Bao's breath to stop and his whole body began to heat up. The heat in Wang Bao's body made his pale skin flush and he heard Nakai ask in a husky whisper.

"I think you'll be able to take it now, should we try?"

"Don't you dare!"

Despite his words, Wang Bao felt Nakai push down to rub his bare ass. Wang Bao flinched away from the large shaft but it only made his own hips dig into the mattress beneath him. Nakai's body heat was transferring to Wang Bao and he felt even hotter as well as breathless, but Nakai continued to rub against him. Slowly both of their bodies started to react and Wang Bao found himself gasping for air as he tried to stop his hips from moving, but this only caused Nakai's now hardened cock to rub against him harder. With both of their bodies burning, Nakai felt Wang Bao wasn't as tense and lifted his body up from pressing against Wang Bao's. With his new freedom Wang Bao tried to crawl off the bed, however he only moved one hand when Nakai lifted his hips up, forcing his ass to point towards the sky. Wang Bao wanted to curse Nakai but he held his tongue as he felt something thick and slippery slide between his buttcrack. With a high pitched yelp, Wang Bao shouted from shock.

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