Chapter 22: Best Friends Forever!

Start from the beginning

(Spinel) Unfortunate, but necessary. Sorry, but Pink deserves to lose her first and only colony.

(Steven) What did Pink do?

(Spinel) It doesn't matter now. What matters is that you're here with me and we'll have lots of fun together! We'll be best friends forever!

(Steven) N-Not to burst your bubble, but I can't live forever. I'll need food, water and sleep to live!

(Spinel) Don't you worry about that. This is a garden, I grew lots of edibles that are produced at the Human Zoo. There's a water fountain here. And I brought that soft rectangle for you to rest on. You have everything you would ever need here. So, what game do you want to play first?

(Steven) I don't want to play any games! You're destroying my home and you've kidnapped me! How do you expect me to play with you if you're doing all those bad things?

Suddenly, like a flip of a switch, her mood and expression changed. Steven knew he made her mad, and she hadn't even spoke yet. He backed away from her but she still approached him.

(Spinel) This is the thanks I get? I took you out of that soon-to-be crater, provided everything you would need, cleaned this place up and you refuse to even play with me? Just how ungrateful are you?!

She sneered and he fell over, holding his arms up defensively in case she were to attack.

(Steven) I-I'm not. I-It's just I'm stuck here and I don't know you, and my home is being destroyed. I can't exactly be okay with any of that.

She calmed down a little.

(Spinel) Whatever you had on Earth is gone now. All that would matter to you is that this is your home. You're my best friend. And you're never leaving.

He took notice of her referring him as her best friend. Was Pink her best friend but she did something to Spinel and now they aren't friends anymore? What did Pink do to cause such hatred from Spinel?

(Spinel) So, I'm going to ask again: What games do you want to play?

(Steven) Can we just... talk?

(Spinel) Meh, talking's boring.

(Steven) But I think we should get to know each other before we do something.

(Spinel) Oh, I know lots about you and your friend, the Batman. You told me, remember?

Bruce. Mayhe he could stop whatever is happening on Earth. Hopefully he does.

Of course he will, he's Batman after all. But he still worries for his friend.

(Steven) R-Right. But I don't know you.

(Spinel) Oh, you want to waste time learning about me when we could be playing games? You already know what you need to know about me.

(Steven) Which is?

(Spinel) You forgot?

He can sense her tone hinged on the word "forgot." Her mood depends on his answer.

(Steven) N-No. I just to make sure I know. That way, I'll know it by default.

That was enough to make her happy.

(Spinel) Of course! Oh, silly me! All you would need to know is that I'm your best friend, this is my home, I love to play games and you're my playmate.

Maybe he could reason with her. Get her to potentially stop whatever's happening on Earth if he plays along.

(Steven) Maybe if I play games with you, you would stop the destruction of Earth?

Batman Meets Steven (Batman/Steven Universe Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now