𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 - 𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚑𝚎?

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Dear Diary,
I haven't written in here in eight months. I've been dealing with a lot during that time, the biggest one being my baby. I'm eight months into my pregnancy and so far, everything has been perfect. I'd visit Hershel almost every week and every week, he gives me that same great news, that my child is alive and healthy. Sure, there have been some ups and downs. About three months ago, I couldn't feel my baby move and that scared me like never before. Luckily, everything was okay. So, my baby is doing great and so is the prison. Rick turned the prison into a home. We're all safe here. We have plenty of food and water. We have a real community here and everyone pitches in. Since I'm eight months pregnant, I can't do much so I'm usually on watch most of the time which I'm glad about. I don't want to sit around and do nothing all day. I want to contribute.

Everything is going well....except for my relationship with Daryl. Since we broke up, we've barely said two words to each other. I still love him and I'll always love him. It's just so difficult seeing him and not being able to hug him and kiss him and tell him I love him, it's been tough. The first four months of my pregnancy, I was an emotional mess. I was super hormonal from the pregnancy which only made the break up feel that much worse. But lucky for me, I have so many close friends here. Rick, Maggie, Glenn, Michonne, Carol, and even Carl never fail to check in on me and it means a lot that they care. It's clear to me that Daryl doesn't and he maybe never will.

Anita was sat in the cell block, eating a small salad. Daryl was out on a run with Glenn, Tyreese, Sasha, Bob, Michonne, and Zach. Daryl never stayed in the same room as Anita for too long. Anita didn't know if he hated her or if he couldn't stand to look at her carrying his child. Either way, it hurt a lot that their relationship had deteriorated so rapidly.

"Hey, Ani. You doing okay? How's the baby?" Maggie asked as she sat next to Anita. The two of them had bonded a lot since the beginning of Anita's pregnancy. Maggie was always there for Anita. She always made sure Anita had enough to eat since she was eating for two, she made sure Anita wasn't working herself too hard, and she always made sure Anita was happy and not stressed out, especially since she was so far along in. She was pretty much doing everything Daryl was supposed to do and Anita was so grateful to have her around. It's not like Maggie had to look after her. She chose to, and that meant a lot. It was safe to say Anita and Maggie were now best friends.

"Baby's doing great, like usual. He's a real kicker, though." Anita said.

"She's going to be a fighter." Maggie smirked and both girls laughed. Anita was convinced she was carrying a boy but Maggie was convinced it would be a girl. Anita hadn't thought of names though. She figured once she saw the baby, the name would instantly pop into her mind. That's how she would know. "Glenn's on a run with Daryl. I asked him to try and talk to Daryl-"

"No, he doesn't need to do that." Anita said sadly. "He told me clearly. He wants nothing to do with me or our baby."

"But he still loves you, Anita. We can all see it. He does care." Maggie said and Anita sighed as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"I miss him so much, Mag. It's so hard being so close to him, and yet, so damn far. I thought maybe this baby would bring us closer together but its only drifted us so far, further than we've ever been." Anita whimpered and Maggie hugged her.

I don't blame my baby for what's happened between Daryl and I. This is an issue between us and we have to work it out, or maybe we won't. I'll never know.

"Everything will work out. I promise. And Aunt Maggie will always be there for you and the baby." Maggie said before they pulled away and Anita showed a sad smile as she wiped her tears.

"Thank you, Maggie, for everything. I owe you everything." Anita said.

"Nonsense. You're my best friend. My sister. I'll always be here." Maggie said, making Anita smile.

"If anything happens to me and Daryl still wants nothing to do with our child, would you take care of him? Take him in and raise him as your own?" Anita asked.

"Anita, I'd be honoured. I'll raise your daughter with all the love in the world. I promise you." Maggie said, making Anita smile. "But nothing will happen to you. Let's pray it never gets to that point."

"I should go for my check up with Hershel." Anita said. Maggie nodded and left as Anita went to Hershel's cell.

"Right on time, like always. You're definitely my star patient." Hershel joked, making Anita chuckle as she sat on the bunk. "Okay, let's check the baby's heartbeat."

Hershel pulled out his stethoscope and placed it on Anita's very swollen stomach, having a little listen before taking it off. "Yep, the baby's heartbeat is strong."

"The baby's been moving a lot lately. More than usual. Is that normal?" Anita asked with one hand resting on her stomach.

"Yes, that's nothing to be worried about. You're almost nine months in. The baby's shifting so its head is now here." Hershel said, pointing to the bottom of her stomach. "It's getting ready to come out. I'd give you maybe two weeks. Three, tops before you give birth."

Anita noticed a presence outside of the cell and looked to see Daryl standing a small distance away. His hair was grown much longer and his figure was much bigger, too. When he saw Anita looking at him, he quickly walked away and Anita sighed.

"He'll come around. He always does." Hershel said.

"Not this time. It's been eight months. He's not coming back. I have to face the facts. I'm going to be a single mother." Anita said. This was not at all how she thought her life would be going.

"You won't be. You'll have all of us here. We won't let you or your baby feel alone." Hershel said.

"Thank you, Hershel. That means a lot." Anita smiled.

"You're like a daughter to me. I see you, Maggie, and Beth the same." Hershel said, making Anita smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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