𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎/𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚝𝚠𝚘 - 𝚒 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞

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When Michonne and I reached the outer gates of the prison, I was rather shocked at what I saw. The place is a fortress, to say the least. There are gates surrounding the place. I know Rick is a smart man. I know he must've been the one who wanted to fortify the place. I was still limping and leaning on Michonne, my leg still bleeding out and it didn't help that there were muertos outside.

"Rick, open the gate!" Anita called out when she saw Rick running towards them but then, he stopped. The muertos were starting to smell Anita's blood and were trying to attack both her and Michonne. Michonne pulled out her sword and started killing them and Anita didn't realise a muerto sneak up from behind her and tackle her to the ground. It was quickly shot dead, though, by Carl who convinced Rick to open the gate.

He and Carl grabbed the baby formula, and allowed Michonne and Anita inside to their cell block. As Anita looked around, she could see how safe the place was. She was also glad to see so many people alive. She knew Rick and Carl were alive and inside, she met Beth and Hershel. But Daryl was nowhere to be seen and Anita couldn't stop her eyes from searching for him.

"What happened to your leg?" Hershel asked as he examined it.

"I accidently cut it when I was fighting off a muerto." Anita explained.

"I'm so happy you're alive." Carl said before hugging Anita, making her smile and hug him back.

"You were out there all winter on your own?" Rick asked Anita.

"Yeah, I had to run when the herd had me surrounded at the farm. I went back to the highway and I saw you all leaving but I didn't make it in time. I was pretty much staying in the woods until I met Michonne today." Anita said.

Everyone looked at Michonne who looked back.

"Yo, Rick! Come in here!" Anita heard Daryl call out from a small distance, making her heart leap from her chest. Daryl was alive.

I can't explain the happiness I felt knowing that Daryl is alive. All winter, all I thought about was him. Daryl consumed my thoughts all day and night and he's alive. I was going to get up to go and see him but my leg started hurting, causing me to sit back down.

"Hey, you should let Hershel stitch you up." Rick said as he placed a gentle hand on Anita's shoulder. "I'll let Daryl know you're here. He hasn't been the same since you went missing. He'll be happy to see you."

"Thanks, Rick. Go and see what Daryl needs. Michonne and I can catch you up to speed in a bit." Anita said, making Rick nod. He got up and went into the cell block to see Daryl and Hershel approached Anita and began stitching her leg.

"We thought you were dead." Hershel said to her.

"I had no choice but to run." Anita shrugged. "I tried to make my way back to the farm but I got lost. It was so dark and I couldn't see anything."

"Wasn't this place overrun?" Michonne asked.

"It was. We cleared it out." Hershel explained.

"Your small group cleared it out?" Michonne asked.

"There were others." Hershel said, making Anita tilt her head in confusion as Hershel finished patching up her leg.

"What do you-" Anita began to ask but stopped when two people walked into the room. It was Rick and he wasn't alone. Daryl was stood next to him with his crossbow in his hand.

And that's when she saw him and he saw her.

The world seemed to stop as soon as my eyes fell on Daryl. There he was, standing right there in front of me with those beautiful eyes of his. I couldn't help but smile as we both looked at each other, a smile growing on Daryl's face, too. I couldn't help but cover my face with my hands to hide my blushing cheeks.

Anita looked back at Daryl and tried to stand up but with her leg freshly stitched, the pain was very much there and she winced a little before Michonne went to help her stand properly. Daryl chuckled a little and sped over to Anita, engulfing her in a tight hug.

"God, I missed you." Daryl whispered her in ear.

"I missed you more." Anita whispered as they tightened their embrace. The two didn't even want to let go of each other but Michonne and Anita needed to tell everyone what was going on.

Michonne and I told Daryl, Rick and Hershel what we had seen with Maggie and Glenn and that they had been taken to Woodbury. All I can do is pray that they're okay. Rick decided he, Daryl, Michonne and Oscar would go to Woodbury to get the couple back. I couldn't go because of my leg even though I really wanted to.

"Rick, where's Lori, T, Shane?" Anita asked as she looked around. Rick said nothing and Daryl shook his head, suggesting they were dead.

"Oh my God. Lori?" Anita asked, making Rick look down. She gasped and went over to Rick, hugging him tight. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She whispered.

"T-Dog died saving Carol and Rick killed Shane." Daryl explained when Anita pulled away from Rick.

"What?" Anita asked in shock.

"Shane wanted me dead. So, I killed him first." Rick said.

"I'm so sorry. I know he was your best friend." Anita said.

"That wasn't my best friend. That Shane, he was someone else." Rick said.

I can't believe Shane, T-Dog and Lori are all dead. The three of them were tough. I had no idea there was so much loss whilst I was away.

"So, all this baby formula, Lori had the baby?" Anita asked and just then, Beth came out with a little baby in her arms, making Anita gasp and smile wide.

"Oh my God." She gasped as she went over to Beth and looked at the baby. "Can I?"

Beth nodded and handed her the baby. "She's beautiful, Rick. She looks just like Lori." Anita said as she played with the baby's hand. "She got a name yet?"

"Not yet. But Daryl likes to call her little Ass-Kicker." Rick said, making Anita playfully roll her eyes and look at Daryl who was smiling wide. He was so happy Anita was back and now that she was, he was going to make every moment count with her. As soon as he returned from saving Glenn and Maggie at Woodbury, he was going to tell Anita how he felt about her.

"Of course." Anita chuckled before looking back at the baby. "Hi, little Ass-Kicker. Aren't you a beautiful little girl?"

 Aren't you a beautiful little girl?"

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