Author's note

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 Hello there little ones (my fav nickname:) ! 

This is going to be the first book i've ever written seriously , and i really wanted to share it with you guys so i hope you will enjoy it!

In all honesty i am pretty much nervous to post this since, first of all , english is NOT my first language so you will be seeing a heck of a lot of spelling mistakes ( may god help you) so be prepared. And of course i don't mind being corrected so do not hesitate to do so :D ( just don't be mean please cause i will cry lol). And secondly , since this is my first time , the plot may contain some holes so bear with it , thank you.

i have a LOT of stories just swiming arround my head most of them are just me daydreaming when i should be focusing on other important tasks , but well, it is what it is.

This story will be about werewolfs , as the tags show , it may be slightly diffrent from regular ones , but i hope it would turn out well.

The story may have( will , who am i kidding lol) some (alot) mature scenes , so buckle up , and put ya'll seat belts on! Why include it? Well i just feel it will seem more genuine and intense if i do so and i live for that , don't you too?

Anyways ! without further blah blah , let's dive in and find out more about our precious Abel and his journey into accepting himself and his mate.


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