Fortunate Accident

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Alex pov

I can't believe I am witnessing this moment. Jason, our Jason describing a girl like a lovesick poet. I told Xandar that this must be about a girl but he wasn't ready to accept it.

We both decided to get him drunk and ask about this matter. We always go to the same pub and the same bartender serves our drinks. So it wasn't difficult to make his shots stronger than ours. We succeeded in our plan, but never imagined Jason describing the girl in such a manner. We both were beyond shock.

"Fuck, he passed out without telling her name." Xandar cussed frustratingly and took a shot.

"But, why is he so angry?" He asked as Jason was angry the whole time in office.

"He is too afraid to get attached to her," I answered his question. Idiot, don't be afraid to threaten shareholders but afraid to get attached. Right now, I want to beat him hard.

"But it is very clear that he is attracted to her," Xandar muttered at himself. We picked him up with our shoulders and put him in the car. I was driving and Xandar sat back with him. After few minutes, Jason moved. His eyes were slightly open.

"Jason, who is she?" Xandar asked again hoping he would tell. He was shaking Jason constantly.

"She is an enchantress." He muttered in still closed eyes. Xandar's face fall hearing his answer. I was too hoping the name from him.

"GODDD! I am going to kill you, Jason. STOP." Xandar yelled at him. He is frustrated now. I just can't control my laughter and burst. He is wasted. I am having fun watching both of them like this.

"Yaaa, stop. I need to stop thinking about her. You know Xandar, how do you do that?" He asked in a tipsy way. We both suddenly shut our mouths. Stunned by his question. We don't know what and how to answer his question.

"Why don't you go after her?" I asked as if that was confusing. If he likes some girl, then he should approach her. What's stopping him?

"Am I going mad to chase her? To invite distraction and turbulence in my life? She is too far from me. I don't like this feeling man." He told us with sadden face while pulling his tie. This is the first time Jason ever talked about his feelings, such situations are not familiar to him, which makes us more worried about him. He is afraid to fall for her, not happy about his feelings.

"Something is wrong with her." we both laughed loudly hearing that, Jason's head can work like this too. Nothing is wrong with her; it's you something wrong with.

"What are we going to do now Alex, dumbass don't even tell us the name of a girl. Just complimenting her nonstop. It's even weird to hear it from him." Xandar signed and turned towards me as Jason went into a deep sleep.

After a 15 min drive, we reached his penthouse and we made him sleep in the bed. Xandar put some painkillers on the table with glass and was about to leave Jason stirred and he was mumbling something. I bent over, as I was so much curious about her, and tried to listen to his mumbling hoping to hear her name and his words kept me surprised. I abruptly stood up.

"Did he say something?" Xandar asked looking me alarmed while approaching. I nodded.

"What?" he bent at from the other side of the bed to hear.

"Pavi" Now it's Xandar's time to freeze.

"Wow" is the only word I was able to manage. Don't forget, Jason doesn't want to feel the feeling he has for Pavi and we don't know about Pavi. She is in India, remember. I know Jason is never going to accept that he has feelings for a girl. He considers this feeling as a liability in his life. But he needs to understand that when it comes to matters of the heart no rules apply. He can't control his feelings.

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