Welcome to India

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After the longest flight of my life, I and my friends arrived at Delhi international airport, and Xandar and Alex were too excited for my liking. They hide my laptop already so I can stop working during flight.

After a very long period we all spend some time watching movies. They both have taken over their father's company last year, and it's becoming very difficult to handle both for them. So I became CEO so they can also give time to other companies. But they handle their whole work from Jax’s building. Someone is coming to receive us, we are trying to figure it out but in the meantime what we saw made me realize how India can be the most different country in the world.

Two people holding the embarrassing sized holding without our name instead James uncle's son and his friends. We were all shocked and looked at each other to see if we could approach them or not. As soon as we approached them three people came and hugged us, which caught us off guard. Then they put some yellow flower garlands around their necks. Their excitement was dripping out of their face which can flood the airport. Looking at their faces makes me want to run back.

 “Welcome brothers, how was your flight?" One of them welcomed us in high pitch, but we were still quiet. I bet Xandar and Alex's thoughts are the same as my 'this country is full of energy and love. They are here just to receive us; they can just send a car with the driver.'

After seeing our quiet faces looking at them surprisingly he started " ohh, sorry it must be very tiring. My name is Nirmal and they are Ankur and Deepesh. Your entire luggage is already in our car." Two shook hands with us.

 “There was no need to come to all of you; you can just send a car with the driver." After hearing this face became frowned and without taking air he shouted.

 " You all are guests of us, you are coming to India brother and in India we treat our guests equal to God , then how can we just send a driver to receive you. '' We were shocked again after hearing his explanation.

Xandar started laughing and said "so, we are God now and you will treat us like God."

 “Yeah, you are for us.” Ankur replied

''Nook I don't wanna be god, I am happy with being human” they three started laughing and said we are funny, we mean Xandar and Alex. Time went fast listening to their constant chatting about some bizarre things.

Finally we arrived in front of a large iron gate and entered and saw the palace, our eyes widened at the view. Huge and ridiculously beautiful place, it was surrounded by lush green grass with small flower bushes tracing the pavement along the road. Even tall trees planted beside the compound wall, standing like guards to the palace. Walls of the palace were decorated with delicate colorful carving which pooped out on its light brown paint. Windows and doors were standing out due to its glass works on its borders, making it jaw dropping. As I raised my head to witness the multistoried structure having stone carved elephants and horses at the edges of the palace standing in pride, showcasing the heritage of the building.

  “We rented a palace for all family and friends. Also the wedding ceremony is getting here." Nirmal said as we got down from the car and started approaching the entrance. Pillars near the entrance were also carved with delicate designs of flowers and leaves, and the portion wall just after the entrance was carved in delicate net structures, making me raise doubt in our eyes. Alex’s voice made me come out of my trance. 

 "Are we staying here?" It comes out more like a question from Alex.

“It’s incredible, “Xandar utters, quaking everywhere like both of us. I can’t blame them for that. Nirmal gave a big smile and replied that you all haven't entered; we are at gate brother get ready your heart for shock. I thought he was exaggerating the beauty.

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