Damon kept his eyes on Aria till her and Kol were out of his eye sight, Kol had just arrived and there was already tension between Damon and Aria, and Damon knew it was practically his fault as Aria was completely unaware of the storm going around in Damon's head, he needed to fix this before this small tension turned into something bigger.


"She's Esther Elena!" Bonnie yelled, pacing up and down the Gilbert kitchen, "The same Esther who was responsible for Aria dying one thousand years ago!".

"We had to open the coffin Bonnie" Elena said.

"And what happens when she tries to kill Aria?" Bonnie snapped, "What happens when the Mikaelson's find out that their mother is currently in my house, plotting how to kill them!".

"Bonnie, they won't find out, and even if they do, Esther will kill them before they can do anything about it" Elena said.

"How do we know while trying to kill her children, she doesn't kill Aria?" Bonnie asked.

"We don't know that Bonnie" Elena replied, "But whatever happens to Aria, is her own fault, she chose their side, it's on her whatever happens to her".

"Are you even hearing yourself?!" Bonnie yelled, "Aria is our best friend, I swear to god if something happens to her because of us, I will never forgive you or myself".


Before Elena could continue, a knock on the door interrupted Bonnie and Elena's argument.

Elena opened the door, and frowned finding no one except a envelope with her name on it.

"What is it?" Bonnie asked.

"It's a note" Elena replied, pulling out the note, "It's from Esther".

"Esther?" Bonnie asked shocked, "Why is Esther sending you a note?".

"Elena, come to the Bennett's, I think it's time we finally talked, Esther", Elena looked at Bonnie in shock, "How did she manage to get this here?".

"She's a witch Elena, she can do anything" Bonnie replied, "So, are you going?".

"I have to" Elena replied.

What Elena didn't read out to Bonnie was the little side note Esther wrote for her, she knew Bonnie wouldn't agree to it, but she had to do it.

If you want my children gone, you must bring me something of Ariana's.


"Kol, I really need to be at Caroline's" Aria said, as Kol dragged her into the Mikaelson mansion.

"You can go, right after you meet him" Kol said.

"Meet who?" Aria asked confused.

"Him" Kol said, pointing to his older brother, who was staring at Aria in shock.

"Ariana" Finn whispered.

"Finn" Aria whispered, a smile coming over her face.

Cold Hearted | Damon SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now