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It turned out a nap was a sleep because when I woke it was morning. It looked like we had stopped at a rest stop one that I noticed and if I was correct we only had three hours to go before reaching the drop off zone. I wasn't to sure though.

I looked at Tristan and Quinn who were both sleeping leaned up against the windows of the car. Quinn softly snored as he usually did and Tristan shifted slightly. I laid my head back down on Quinn's lap.

I waited for some time before one of them actually woke up. The first one to wake was Tristan. He rubbed his neck and groaned. "Damn." He muttered. "Ow."

"Are you okay?" I asked softly. He looked at me. "Oh good morning, love." I looked away. "Yeah..."

"Don't be stingy at least we stopped and didn't just drop you off somewhere."

I sighed. "Yeah... I'm sorry." I sat up, hugging Tristan's arm. "It's okay." He said, placing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Let's go get some breakfast."


"Quinn will be here when we get back." He opened the door. I nodded and got out of the car with Tristan. I held his hand and we walked inside.

We waited to get the coffee and tea that Tristan ordered then we would go get some breakfast or lunch or whatever we felt like eating. I looked at Tristan who was looking at a cellphone that he charged up for the trip to keep in touch with the others and other things. "Whatcha doing?" I asked. "Research." He answered. I nodded and looked down at the necklace I was playing with. He let go of my hand to focus on whatever research he was doing. "Tristan... can I go to the bathroom?"

"Uh... yeah sure."

I don't know why I thought it would be okay to come in here by myself but I was shaking and nobody had even looked my way yet. I tried taking a couple deep breaths to calm myself and distract myself from the three intimidating men in the corner of the bathroom.

I got a couple paper towels to dry my hands.

"Hey, where'd my cigarettes go?"

"I don't know."

"I put them on the sink." He slammed his fist on the counter. I flinched and couldn't move. "I just bought them." He turned around. I quickly threw out the paper towels that I had and started walking towards the door. I felt someone grab my wrist and I gasped. "You're the only one that was by the sink. Where are they?" He spat. "I- I don't- I don't know, I didn't take them." I put my arm in front of my face. He shoved me to the ground. "Weak ass dumb bitch. I know you took them."

"I sw- swear I didn't." I back myself up to the wall, shaking my head. "Give them back or pay up." He held out his hand. "I d- don't have money and di- didn't take them." I wiped my face with my arm. He grabbed my arm, gripping it hard and made me stand up. "Don't have money, huh?"

I shook my head.

"What are you doing here then besides stealing from other people?" He squeezed my jaw. I whimpered. "I'm not stealing. I- I- I'm here with somebody. We-."

Someone came over and whispered into the other guys ear. All three of them looked at me now like I was a piece of meat. I pressed my hands flat against the wall, looking away. "Don't hu-." His hand closed over my mouth. "Let's see." He touched his finger to his chin. "You don't have my cigarettes supposedly and you can't pay with money soooo."

I tried to shake my head.

The two guys came over a held my arms to the wall while the other spread my legs. "Stop stop stop please." I begged. He stuck his fingers down my throat. "Shut up."

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