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I walked in to my room where everybody else was because Levi said that's the first place Chase ran off too.

"I killed him I killed him I killed him." Chase repeated. He was under the blankets on my bed with his face to the pillow. "Chase." Quinn tried but he just kept repeating the same phrase over and over. "This is weird. He never is this upset after his..." Tristan trailed off not wanting to say the word just in case. He seemed back to normal or maybe he was just really good at hiding or masking his emotions.

I walked over to Chase and looked at Quinn for approval I guess.

"Hey Ch-."

He sat up and looked at me. A smiled spread across his face and the only evidence of him ever crying was the tear stains on my pillow and his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me and squeezed tight. "O- okay." I said chuckling. "I can't breath... no for real." I tapped him.

"Okay okay Chase." Quinn pried Chase off me. Chase let go only to pull me on his lap and wrap his arms around my waist. He kissed my face all over and chuckled. "I thought I killed you." He chuckled. "I'm still very much alive." I smiled.

"Is everybody packed? It's six thirty now." Tristan looked up from his watch. "For the most part." Liam said. "Yeah, we're packed." Levi said ignoring his brother. Gunner nodded and Chase shook his head. "I just need to get some other things together." Quinn got up and left the room. Tristan followed him.

"Um... is there a reason... why Tristan kissed Quinn?" I asked after I heard Tristan's footprints far enough from the room.

"He kissed him?" The twins looked at me with a confused look. "Yeah, Tristan never does anything that doesn't make sense. He always has a reason for everything. I don't know the reason though. I mean they did used to do that all the time but they stopped because... I don't know why." Chase rested his chin on the top of my head. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Do you wanna eat, Kitten?" Liam asked me. I nodded. "Yes, please."

"Kitten?" Chase asked turning my face to look at his. I nodded. "Yup." I smiled and placed a hand on his cheek kissing his nose. "We probably have to leave soon so let's go make up something for dinner for everybody." Levi and Liam held out their hands to me. I got up grabbing their hands, walking to the kitchen with them. Chase followed close behind.

Quinn and Tristan came back downstairs just as Levi was finishing up. "Oh thank goodness." Tristan said. "Thanks Levi."

"No problem."

"Chase put the knife down!" Quinn scolded Chase. "I'm not doing anything with it." He said. "Your thinking about it. Put it back." Quinn put a finger to the counter. Chase chuckled. "I definitely was."

"Good god." Quinn mumbled, rolling his eyes. Levi handed him a plate of food, then he handed his brother one, then Tristan, then me and Chase. Everyone went to the dinning room but Quinn and I. I put my plate down to jump off the counter and then Quinn held his hand out to me. I smiled slightly and took it.

I should be good more often. If I only gave it a chance and maybe he wouldn't have hated me so much a first.

After dinner I leaned back against Quinn's chest. "Did I do good?" I looked up at him. "Yes, very good. Good boy." He looked at my late then to me. "My tummy doesn't feel very good." I mumbled. "Did you overstuff yourself?" Chase asked. "I think so." I nodded.

"You didn't need to eat all of it." Tristan looked from his plate to me then Quinn. "No, sorry if I made you feel like you did." He said rubbing my stomach from under my shirt, looking at Tristan. "It's okay." I turned my face into his chest.

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