Nakai stood back up, Wang Bao still felt bloated from what happened a couple minutes ago and it sent shivers down his spine. Nakai stood silently while looking down at Wang Bao. His condition wasn't one out of lust, instead what would end up happening to Wang Bao's body because of his semen would be his cruel pay back to Wang Lei. Slowly Wang Bao stood up as well, the stuff inside his lower half felt warm and sticky. The two men stared at each other with equal disgust until Wang Bao spoke.

"....Fine, I'll agree to your perverted agreement. Wait here, I need to prepare a few things. Don't think about running away either or I'll kill Raia."

Wang Bao walked past Nakai, heading towards the bathroom. His bottom was burning with every step he took. Once alone in a different room Wang Bao felt a little more at ease but he didn't dawdle, he quickly stood under his shower head, a mixture of sweat and blood quickly washed away. With his body clean, Wang Bao squatted down deep causing his tender behind to ache in protest, however even though he was pushing like he had never pushed before, the semen inside of him wouldn't come out. The water made it hard to see but Wang Bao tried his best to prod at his hole with his own finger. He pushed through the swollen entrance and began curving his finger while pulling it down in hopes of getting a little bit out but his finger came out clean. Confused, Wang Bao stood up and began massaging the bottom part of his stomach, thinking that the sticky liquid must have travelled up instead of down then tried again to scrape out the semen but nothing.

"What the hell?"

Wang Bao knew his body hadn't absorbed the contents that quickly since his belly was still bloated but it was looking impossible to get it out of him. Frustrated and sore, Wang Bao finished his quick shower before drying his body. After wrapping a robe around his body he left the bathroom. Nakai was leaning against the wall while sitting on the floor. HIs voice was pushing the last of Wang Bao's patience.

"Need help? My fingers are longer"

Wang Bao ignored the Giant as he walked into his bedroom. He knew it would be best to leave as soon as possible and quickly dressed before undressing. Wang Bao quickly scanned over all of his clothes. Royalty in Man country have always shown off their wealth and beauty by decorating their body with beautiful things. All of Wang Bao's wardrobe was filled with lavious silks and the finest handmade garments. Without any other option, Wang Bao wrapped his robe around him securely. He knew a way to get more suitable clothes for travel and moved swiftly to grab a small black satchel. Wang Bao held the small bag and raced around his room, placing the money he had been hiding since he was a child in the bag. Wang Bao knew it would be best to use cash instead of his card lest the palace comes looking for him. With a heavy bag Wang Bao left the bedroom. Nakai was still waiting on the floor naked and unbothered.

Nakai looked at Wang Bao with a confused face and he asked.

"Shouldn't you be dressed?"

"I'll stand out too much, I'll take clothes from the laundry service the maids use. Your clothes are here."

Wang Bao walked to a small cabinet that held a chess set his Father gifted him. He opened the cabinet and took out the large combat uniform, Wang Bao struggled with the weight and dropped both the items on the ground in front of him. Nakai stood up and got dressed while Wang Bao looked at the chess set. The pieces were made of white marble and obsidian, noticing that Nakai was almost finished dressing himself, Wang Bao moved the obsidian king into his small bag. Nakai reached around Wang Bao and grabbed his boots, lacing them as he spoke.

"How do you plan on leaving the palace without the guards realising?"

Wang Bao took a few steps back and sized up Nakai. The large body was going to be hard to hide let alone moving through the palace quietly. Wang Bao thought of all the passages he used in order to keep out of his Mother's sight then came up with a plan.

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