"Cheers!" Hana shouted as she clinked her shot glass with the others. After walking out of the library, she got a text from her high school friends to join them at the bar for a reunion. Normally, she would have declined, but looking at the events, she needed the booze.

"Hana, it's been forever!" One of her friends slurred, obviously drunk on one too many drinks.

"Yeah, it has been," she forced herself to smile.

'Oh God, I just need the alcohol,' she thought to herself. 

"Come on, tell us where you've been, what you've been up to?" One of the girls asked with a smirk on her lips, "Did you find a nice boy in America?" Her question made others giggle.

'Good Lord! What did I get myself into?' She thought as she faked a giggle.

"Well, I did not go to America on a quest to find something not worth my time and effort, in other words, a boy," Hana started with a sober look on her face. "I went there to make my future brighter, so I can have a nice bank account." Her answer made the girls shut up as they laughed nervously and passed each other glances.

"And, the guys there seemed to be more interested in flowers. I don't like flowers," she sipped the last of her beer and slammed the glass on the table.

Hana lied, she loved flowers, but the hatred was just temporary. Especially her recent visit to Jungkook's garden made her realize that it wasn't the flowers she should be angry with.  It's the person behind the flowers.

"Ladies, I need to go outside for a second," Hana stood from her chair, "I'll be back after making a quick phone call."  And she shot for the door.

"That was absolute torture!" She said to herself as she walked on the road. Only then she realized that it had gotten pretty late since she came to the bar. Hana was already feeling tipsy. The alcohol had started working its magic.

She checked the time on her phone. It was twelve forty-five midnight. "Shit! Mrs. Wang must be worried," she mumbled and started to speed walk. Hana dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello? Hana?" Mrs. Wang said groggily.

"Yes, Sorry. Did I wake you?" Hana apologized, realizing that she might've woke Mrs.Wang up.

"No, no, sweetheart, I was waiting for you." She said, sounding more awake.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you," Hana apologized again, "I am on my way back."

"Okay, I will wait for you," Mrs. Wang replied.

"Don't ruin your sleep for me," Hana said.

"It's no problem, sweetheart, hurry back." Mrs. Wang said before hanging up.

As soon as Hana placed her phone back in her purse, she heard footsteps behind her. Hana cussed mentally before quickening her footsteps. More she sped up, the footsteps reciprocated.

Hana was so focused on the footsteps following her that she completely forgot where she was. She knew every inch of Busan like the back of her hand, but she had no idea how confusing it was when it got dark. Hana quickly made up a plan in her head and hid in an alleyway. Hana took a breath of relief when she saw three men pass by the alley without noticing her.

When she was sure they had left, Hana cautiously walked out of the alley, only to be stopped by a hand. On impulse, she turned around and slapped the guy in the face before running for dear life. But soon, she got pushed to the ground, and she hit her head on the pavement. Her vision immediately became blurry.

She heard the guys walking up to her. Hana could only make up their silhouettes as she couldn't see their faces clearly.

"Look at this bitch!" One of the guys spat beside her head.

Hana saw one of the men leaning down and felt him grabbing her face. Tears were forcing their way out, but Hana wasn't letting them. She hated how helpless she was in this situation.

"You have a pretty firm hand for a girl," the guy said smugly, "you left a mark on my face," he laughed. "How should I reward you for this, bitch?"

"I say let's take her back and have some fun," one of them suggested, and the others laughed in agreement.

"Should we?" The guy leaning down whispered, "I bet you'll have fun."

Hana wanted to cuss at him, but her tongue gave up on her like every other part of her body.

'Somebody help me,' She thought.

"Leave her alone!" A voice boomed from the end of the alley, followed by a loud growl.

Looks like the heavens were looking upon her that night.

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