Jealous or Confused

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Credit to the rightful owner,I do not own own the pic.

Enjoy! And don't forget to vote.:-) :-)

Taehyung was walking down the empty corridor, a smile adorning his face while he softly hummed to himself.

He was happy today.

If getting praised for his painting skills was what it took for his grumpy teacher to at least crack a smile, then he didn't have any problem doing it again.

He was not a social butterfly for nothing and he loved it when he made people happy.

Basically, Taehyung had recreated a Van Gogh painting which earned him extra points and his art teacher the praise for doing good with students.

And that made him feel giddy inside.

He turned a corner, still humming softly with a slight hop in his steps when suddenly a hand grabbed his and he was pulled to his right, stumbling forward into a dark closet and before he could contemplate, he heard the door slamming shut and the lock being pressed.

Taehyung gulped nervously, not daring to turn around, but someone grabbed his shoulders, turned him around and pinned him to the wall.

He couldn't breath, let alone scream but the worst happened and out of the blue, he was being kissed.



Two veiny strong arms were slamed by his head on either side, pushing him further into wall and the stranger moaned deeply into the kiss while tilting their head aside just as his lips started moving roughly over Taehyung's.

He was utterly frozen and did not even close his eyes, them being wide open staring at the wall opposite in a dazed state.

But wait-

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows.

The stranger moaned again, the sound leaving the back of his throat as a deep growl.

Wait a second-

Wait a whole ass damn second-

"JeOn JuNgKoOk!!"

Taehyung pushed Jungkook away and inhaled, a deep breath in from the lack of oxygen.

"Do YoU KnOw HoW ScArEd I WaS!?!" 

A punch to Jungkook's chest- delivered.

"I WaS aLmOsT a GoNeR fOr SuRe If iT HaDn'T BeEn FoR yOu MoAnInG, yOu HoRnY mOrOn-...."


"-NeArLy HaD a StRoKe-..."

"Baby- angel shussh...we're in a janitor's closet-..."

".....aNd I tHoUgHt I wAs KiDnApPeD mmmffff"

Jungkook slammed his lips over Taehyung's, kissing him again roughly to stop his gravely deep voice from shouting anymore.

He pulled away, eyes gazing into the other's intently, but there was a hint of playful mischief dancing in the dark orbs.

"We're in a janitor's closet so you can't shout, baby. Don't wanna get caught being intimate now, do we?"

Taehyung hissed and whisper yelled at his boyfriend, repeating the same words he had shouted not moments ago.

"Jeon Jungkook! do you know how scared I was? I thought I was a goner if it hadn't been for-"

He was cut off in the middle by a grinning Jungkook who shamelessly sent him a wink.

"Ok, Ok, sorry babe, I'm sorry," Jungkook raised his hands up, smiling cheekily.

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