Chapter 19

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I woke up when the front door was slammed closed. I get up from Elijah's shoulder and see my father and Luca come into the living room.

"Why are you slamming the door?" I ask, still tired from the nap. They look at me and see that they just woke me up.

"Oh.. It's just that some guys from the bratva are coming to the banquet." My father said.

"So I'm guessing you're enemies or something right?" I say. "Right," Luca says.

"What's his name, so I can stay away from him" I ask.

"His name is 'Anton Lebedev', please just don't try to approach him". My father says. "I wasn't thinking the thought" I say and get up from the couch. I start stretching. I guess it wasn't the best position to sleep in.

"I wanna go to the beach" I say. We have a private beach on the property but we haven't used it once. Such a waste of a beach.

"I'll go with you" Elijah said as he smirked at me. I awkwardly smile back at him. I go up to my room and change into a bathing suit I bought when we were shopping in the city.

 I go up to my room and change into a bathing suit I bought when we were shopping in the city

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I went down to see Elijah was already there. And so was my father and brothers. I didn't think there would be a family trip, but alright. We walk out the back door that faces the beach.

I didn't really notice because of everything that happened, but it is really beautiful. We sat our things on each of our deck chairs. I wanted to get a little tan before tomorrow. I took my sunglasses on and started texting Kaya about the whole ordeal. It wasn't long till everyone came over to me and started looking at me intensely.

"Common Val, get up. We're going swimming" Elijah finally said. My father and brothers are standing around him. It's kind of scary to see them get along.

"Are you ganging up on me?" I ask.

"Yes, now common!" Giovanni said.

"No" I said.

They continued staring and frowning until Elijah snagged my phone out of my hands and took my sunglasses off.

"If you don't want to I'll make you." Elijah said as he lifted me up bridal style and ran towards the water.

When we reached the water he threw me in. I got water in my hair now, so it doesn't matter anymore. I get up from the water and start tackling him into the water. He tries to run away. "Я УБЬЮ ТЕБЯ, ЧЕРТ,, ТЫ МАЛЕНЬКИЙ МУЛЬТФИЛЬМ!"(I'll fucking kill you you little brat) I say as he tries to run away from me.

My father and brothers looked at us in amazement from the sidelines. We continued for a while until all my rage was expressed in a violent manner. My brothers and father now joined us.

"I heard you spoke italian at the family gathering but I didn't know you could speak russian too," Luca said.

"Oh, yes. I speak 16 languages." I said. They just stood there. As if they've seen a ghost or something.

"What languages do you speak?" Alessandro asked.

" I speak english obviously, spanish, Italian, french, chinese, korean, japanese, german, russian, arabic, hebrew, norwegian, greek, hindi, thai and portugese. I also know BSL if you count that as well." I say

"How the hell did you learn all of those languages?" Luca asked.

"I had no choice, it was for work. Also I can learn new languages pretty quickly." I said. I think they pitied me. It was something with the pitiful faces and puppy eyes. They pitied me for turning into a bad ass bitch. I wouldn't pity that, I would be fucking jelous.

"I'm going inside," I said, breaking the silence. I got out of the water and headed to my room. I took a shower and put on some comfortable clothes. By the time I was finished it was already 6 pm. The dinner is always served at 6 so I'll be a little late.

I headed down and sat at the table.

"Alright let's talk about who not to speak to." My father said. "Sure," I said back.

He started stating a whole list of people I definitely won't remember the names of. Well I'll remember them when I hear them.

"The most important person to stay away from is 'Anton Lebedev', remember his name." Luca said after seeing I was staring at my father like a lost child.

After dinner I went to my room to write down his name so I wouldn't forget.

(Friday 4 pm)

I was just eating a protein bar and looking at my phone when Elijah came running down.

"Do you want to make us late or what?" he said. "It's 4 pm, i'm not even gonna think about it until 5 pm." I said.

"Well make-up and hair said that it would take an hour and the maids said that it takes 15 minutes to get into the dress." He frantactly said.

"When does the banquet start?" I asked. "6" he said.

"Well i'll get to it in a few minutes." I said. He ran back upstairs. Why is he so stressed? Isn't that supposed to be my job and his job to calm me. Now I feel like I should comfort him but I have to get that god forsaken dress on.

I looked down at my phone and the headline 'Stefano Rossi will be attending the Treviso yearly banquet with a secret guest!'. Jesus. These motherfuckers know everything. How the hell did they know that? You know. I don't care, it doesn't matter, I have to go anyways so why bother.

I went upstairs to see approximately 10 people. Once I got in they rushed to me and was very close to carrying me to the make-up chair. They started doing their thing.


Remember to like, share and vote. I've been working on this as much as possible. :)

(978 words)

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