Chapter 12

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(The next day/ Tuesday 7 am)

I woke up to the worst noise ever, my alarm. I take the alarm off and then place it on the nightstand again.

I Get my robe and slippers on and go down to the kitchen. Everyone is already there sitting with breakfast on the table.

"Are you ready for later" Father said

"Sure, what exactly are we doing?" I asked out of curiosity.

"You'll be fighting with some colleagues of mine." He answered.

"Oh, crap. Yeah alright" That's all that came out of me.

After breakfast I went up to my room and changed into my workout clothes and went down to the car. We were practicing with someone else from the mafia so they went to a place outside our house. I got in the car with Giovanni and my father and we drove to the place.

Once we got there I saw it was another mansion, smaller than ours but still really big

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Once we got there I saw it was another mansion, smaller than ours but still really big. We went inside and the maid accompanied us to the gym. Stefano opened the door to the gym where there were around 10 people talking. Now they were all staring at us.

"This is my daughter," Stefano said.

Everybody looked confused as if they were crazy or something, but I just ignored it and began stretching.

"Alright, today we will practice our hand to hand combat. You will first face my daughter." He said.

Some of the colleagues could just barely hold their laugh in. Now I knew I had to show them.

"Ferri,you first." A man in his early twenties stood up and went towards me. We went in the ring and it didn't take over 3 minutes until he was kissing the ground. I even fought my brothers which I didn't show any mercy either.

It went on like that for about an hour until there were no more to fight.

My father was shocked I took out their best fighter and their best trainer and also my brothers.

"Are we done here. I promised Kaya I would go shopping with her." I asked.

"Yeah we are done" My father said and headed for the exit.

We got in our cars and headed home.

"I have something to give you when we get back to the house" My father said.

I nodded. I wasn't very tired. I was just kinda disappointed in my fathers subordinates.

We got back and went inside. Now it was almost 1 pm. We sat down and ate lunch with Kaya and Elijah. My brothers asked me a lot about my past but I didn't feel like we were close enough to answer them.

After lunch my father told me to follow him to his office.

He went in and got to one of the drawers. He pulled out a black card.

"You said you were going shopping so here is a card."

I couldn't say anything else then "I do have my own card you know."

" Now you're in our family and you have the right to spend our money." He said and placed it in my hand.

"Thank you" I said and left quite shocked

I went into the living room and fell down on the couch. I snuggled myself into a cozy blanket and fell asleep. I woke up half an hour later to Elijah screaming at his phone. I got up from the couch and went into the hallway with the blanket still around me.

"Why are you screaming?" I asked.

"I have to take care of something in the city centre now." He answered.

"Alright, just go. I have to go shopping with Kaya anyway." I said. He raced out the door and drove away.

I went up to my room and showered. I wasn't actually that sweaty but still I am going out so I'll have to shower. I got my clothes on and placed a gun in my bag. I also took my card and the card I got from father.

 I also took my card and the card I got from father

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I went downstairs and waited for Kaya. A few minutes later she came in.

"C'mon let's go, I wonder what their clothes look like." She said very enthusiastically.

"Well the clothes properly look like any other clothing" I said as we walked to the garage. The keys to the cars hung on a type of organizer I took with me the BMW i8 and got into the car.

We drove until we found a parking spot in Venezia. We got out and spent six hours shopping.

"Can we please get something to eat?" I asked.

"Fine," she said.

We went into a fancy restaurant and sat down at a table. Now it was already 8 pm and I really just wanted to eat something and go home. We ate for about an hour until we were ready to leave. The sun had almost set and there weren't a lot of people on the street.

We went back into the car and drove home. The maids took all the bags and placed them in our rooms. My father sat in the living room talking to Elijah.

"I'm back" I said

"Hello Valentina," He said. They seem to be talking about something important so I just go up to my room and take a shower. I put on my clothes and go to sleep.

I wake up to someone coming into my room. It was elijah.

"Hey," I say

"Let me sleep here tonight," He said.

"Alright" I say. He takes off his t-shirt and lays next to me. I'm so sleepy I don't care if he's half naked sleeping in my bed anymore. He takes my waist and pulls me as close as humanly possible and won't let me go. I give up trying to get personal space but I cave in the end.


(1012 words)

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