11-'Money' isn't the key to success.'

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This time, as Oscar entered the Communications classroom, it was now similar to the history classroom with elevated seats and squeaking students.

He sat down at the back and topmost row as he observed the room. His classmates were already making friends and it was absolutely surprising; Oscar could barely talk to Meghann and here his classmates were, talking and making friends as if it was the easiest job on the planet.

He felt uncomfortable being the only person in the back row. True, there were a few people on the other seats, but they too were either scribbling away on notebooks or talking to their classmates.

Where were Leo, Lea, Nadine and Meghann when he needed them most?!

Oscar suddenly noticed Penelope's large locks of blonde hair  at the very front, along with Kenan. From what Oscar saw she was talking to him while rubbing his arm.

At least there were some people he knew.

Suddenly, the door opened and Oscar turned to see Nadine and Leo, their eyes scanning for a seat until they found Oscar. They grinned widely and pulled his arm so forcefully that Oscar thought he broke it.

"Wha-where are we going!?" He blurted.

"You look like a vampire with you sitting at the back. Have some fun! Come, lets go for a more fun seat," exclaimed Leo.

They plopped in two seats above Penelope and Kenan, who were still engrossed to talking to each other.

"Even the back of their heads look sophisticated," snorted Leo.

"You guys wanna know what I found out about Penelope and Kenan?" Whispered Nadine, so Penelope wouldn't hear.

"Not really...we should stick our noses out of their lives," Oscar whispered to her.

"They got into ours first, its only fair!" Hissed Nadine as she pulled out her phone.

Oscar and Leo leaned in to see the screen, which was open to a page of a middle aged man in a dark blue tuxedo.

"Thats Penelope's dad?" Whispered Leo.

"Ivan Sweette. He owns a handful of car companies! I remember seeing him in dad's friends' book," said Nadine. "He's a really nice and friendly person!"

"Not like Penelope," snorted Oscar.

The doors burst open and in paraded an overweight man with a faculty uniform, bulging stomach jiggling all the way as he hopped to the teachers' desk.

"Bonjour, bonjour!" Exclaimed the man, bouncing towards the desk. "How are you all? Don't worry, I ain't French!" He blurted in a giggly accent.

Oscar couldn't help but snicker. This man was pretty enthusiastic for his age, wasn't he?

He turned to Leo, who was gouging himself with a pen to try not to burst out laughing. Both of them suddenly noticed Nadine, who wasn't smiling at all. She was wide eyed at the professor and her eyes were about to pop out any moment.

"This is delirious," she gasped.

"I am Professor Samuel D. Or as they say, Professor Dawson!" Said the man.

Leo, Oscar and the entire class spun to Nadine, who sighed and waved lazily at the man.

"Hey, Dad."

She turned to Leo and Oscar beside her, whose jaws were on the floor in shock.

"Surprise?" She snorted.

"My dear Nadi! Pleasure to see you! Hasn't it been a wonderful day for you? Ain't ya happy ya good ol' Daddy here?"

Penelope, Kenan and all their classmates were now snickering. Nadine rolled her eyes in embarrassment and put her hands on her face.

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