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daniel's pov

a lot has happened in his life, but it never felt like such a mess before.

the kiss they shared lasted for not even one percent of his lifetime, but it feels as the biggest thing that ever happened to him.

and yet he isn't happy. but neither is he sad. nor angry. the only label he can give his feelings at the moment, is confused. he's never been this confused before.

he doesn't know why franny initiated the kiss. and he also doesn't know why he ended it. they could've stayed in that moment forever. then he wouldn't have had to deal with the aftermath like now.

no, that's a silly thought. obviously they couldn't have. eventually they would've needed air. not to forget that there was a third person present in the room. a person who jsn't even two years old, witnessing something not so PG-13. no, the moment wasn't meant to last forever.

his mind wonders back to this morning. franny was so kind to come out and help him. he'd been strugelling with lavender for hours, but to her it all came so naturally.

her and Lavender only met once before, but the girl had relaxed in her arms immediately. franny just makes people feel that way. like they can let their guards down around her, because she's there to catch them.

and when he woke up from his unexpected nap, she'd cleaned his entire house. there was no reason for her to do that. but franny always does that for people, random acts of kindness. she does it all the time at the c4 house, helping with the dishes even though she doesn't live there. or walking barrie and bambi, because the others are too busy streaming. that's just the type of person she is.

he only liked watching her and lavender at the kitchen table so much, because she just helped him. she took care of lavender while he was too tired to do it, and same for his house.

he only liked her giggles so much, because he was glad he could make her happy. when she made him happy all day, by helping him out so much.

he only liked the kiss so much, because it was what lavender wanted.

and suddenly it hits him like a bus. he likes that all, because he's in love with his best friend.

he's in love with franny. god knows for how long already.

but, he can't say anything about it. franny's been silent for so long. she probably regrets what she did. he can't say anything, because that will destroy the last bit that's left of their friendship, forever.

but when he looks up, and he sees a light smile forming on franny's lips, he decides to listen to his other best friend. oh well, not what if.


can't believe it's almost been a year since corey passed :( had to put him in here somehow, so enjoy my favourite quote up there <3

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