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daniel's pov

daniel wakes up to the soft sound of talking around him. it takes him a few seconds to recognize the voice that belongs to his best friend franny. when he listens closely to what she's saying he realizes she's reading to lavender. who he was supposed to be looking after today. god, he really is world's shittiest friend. failing in taking care of his friend's daughter, and then leaving another friend alone with her. franny probably didn't even want to do this. but then why is she still here? she could have just waken him up and leave.

slowly daniel opens his eyes, making sure the two girls at the table don't notice he's awake. his gaze, however, is focused on them. the sight is beautiful, lavender is seated on his best friend's lap, while she's listening to franny's story, with a dreamy look in her eyes.

franny is reading the book very passionately, using a different voice for each character. they look so cute together. franny will definitely be a great mom someday, he thinks.

"hey girls"

said girls jump at the sound of daniel's voice, who's suddenly not on the couch anymore but standing right beside them. he decides to play it off as though he has just woken up, and hasn't been watching them for ten minutes.

"what are you doing?"

"book!" lavender responds.

"ah that's nice! is auntie franny reading to you?"


franny, who zoned out for a second, joines their conversation.

"yes we are, right lavender! peppa pig!"


daniel can't suppress his urge to laugh. franny joins in, and even lavender does, even though she has no idea what they're laughing about. franny holds the book up and makes a sad face.

"it's finished lav. maybe uncle dani can read the other one to you?"

"dani! peppa!"

"okay okay, since you asked so nice!"

franny giggles at this. that's a new sound, she's never done that around him. it sounds amazing though, she should giggle more often. he shakes his head and picks the other book up from the table.

"okay lav, here we go! peppa's adventures!"

he sits down beside the two girls, facing them while opening the book. dramatically he clears his throat, earning some giggles from the little toddler. then he starts reading.

"one day peppa said that she does not want to do her homework-"

franny interrupts him, telling lavender that she should always do her homework or she'll turn out as uncle dani.

"don't listen to her lavender! i'm amazing!"


"you hear that auntie franny? lavender thinks i'm amazing!"

the two erupt into a fit of laughter, which evokes a confused look on lavender's face.

"sorry! okay let's continue, where was i?"


"yes dear, i know we're reading peppa, but uncle dani meant where in the story! i told you, uncle dani is a bit stupid. that's why you should always do your homework!"


the two adults laugh again, but stop when lavender tries to grab the book out of daniel's hands. he apologizes quickly.

"sorry lav! let's read!"

franny's pov

the sight in front of her warms her heart. daniel goofing around with the little girl, they look awesome together. she can't even begin to imagine how cute daniel and his own daughter will be one day.

an image of daniel teaching a little girl to play the piano, while she was watching them with a little boy on her lap, pops in her head. she quickly shakes it away. what was that?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRANNY !!!!! all these photos on instagram warm my heart aah! uploaded this chapter bc of her birthday yayay happy 24th!!!
^^ also shit's going down 👀

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