Chapter 15

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Well you've made it this far. 


I punched her, she punched me. I pushed her, more out into the open. She punched me in the nose. I could taste the blood.  "You punch like a girl!" she yelled, she took a swing,  I dodged it. "Maybe that's cause I am a girl!"  I yelled back. She reached out again to grab my shirt. She did, she had a good grib of it and threw me to the ground. I was laying on my back, she got on top of me and punched me, left, right, left, right, left, right. Had to be around 8 times before Gally ran up and ripped her off of me. He pushed her away, telling her to calm down. I got up and wipped my face, my hand was covered in blood. I looked up at Shae, who only had a bleeding nose and what looked to be a upcoming black eye. She smiled at me. I hate her! Some boys asked me if I was ok, I nodded. I walked to the Hall, looking for some rags or something. I'm sure Gally was taking great care of Shae. I searched through some drawers, but found nothing. I rememered there would be some stuff in the runners hut. I left the hall and headed to the runners hut. "What the hell?!?!?!?!" I knew it was Newt. I stopped, turned around. He was walking pretty fast until he saw my face. He stopped and covered his jaw dropped mouth. "What happned?!" he walked toward me and took a closer look at my wounds. "I punched Shae." he looked surprised, "she won." I finished. He shook his head, "why were you guys fighting?" I looked down, "Over you." I whispered. Newt tunrned around and headed to Gallys bed, where he must have seen Shae. "Newt it's not worth it!" I yelled, but that didn't stop him. I jogged behind him, making sure he didn't hurt anyone or himself. I grabbed his hand, he stopped, "Please Newt. Don't make it a big deal." he turned around, "She asked for it, I started it." He looked at the ground, pulled his hand out of mine and started off toward Gally's bed again. Great. I followed Newt to Gally and Shae. Gally's eyes met mine, he totally ignored the fact Newt was there. He walked toward me, passed Newt, I was scared. He grabbed my neck. "Why did you hurt her?!" He was mad at me, but I know she didn't tell him the real story but I was prepared to. Newt grabbed Gally, Gally turned around and punched Newt. He turned back to me and punched me in the face. I blacked out.

I woke up in bed, Newts bed. He was behind me, his arm around me. "Newt?" I whispered, quite enough that he could only hear me if he was awake, "Yes?" I exhaled. "Why are you awake?" i asked, "I'm not sleeping." he said, stiffness in his voice. "Why?" I asked again. "Gallys really mad at you, can't take any chances." I smiled. "I'm fine." I loved how he was with me when Gally is acting like an idiot. "Go to bed Josie." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

The morning came to quick, I woke up. Newt was gone. I got and walked to the hall. Nobody was awake yet. I walked into the hall, Gally was there. "Josie, I was hoping you'd come." Untrust worthy is one word i'd use to discirbe Gally right now, "yes, Gally about yesterday-" he raised a hand at me, "I don't want to hear it." I was surprised he said that. "You need to appogize to Shae." that was the stupidest thing iv'e heard all morning, yet I nodded. I didn't need another bruise or blood in anyway. "And, I did assign you Thomas and Newt got Shae." I nodded, wanting to hear the rest. "So when he's with her, back off. Leave them alone." I know whos behind this and her name begins with Sh and ends with ae.

After our conversation, I left the hall. Newt was standing near his bed, waiting for me. I walked over to him, "Hey, how was that?" He asked, I didn't want to explain but I had to. "He told me that when your with Shae, I can't talk to you, look at you, pretty much think about you." He shook his head, "This is crap." I nodded my head. The bell rang. We walked to the hall and grabbed breakfast, it looked to be fruit and bread. After grabbing some we sat down together and began to eat. Thomas joined us. He sat down and looked at me to say goodmorning, "Holy what happended to your face Jose?" My face had some cuts and bruises, my eye was black. I looked at him, "Ill tell you later.'' He nodded and began to eat. Shae came and sat down across from Newt. I looked up at her, she smiled, "Morning Josie, get much sleep last night?" She asked, trying to sound smart. Newt looked up at her, "Shutup" she dropped her head and kept eating. Gally walked by behind me, "You know Josie, Newt is now on duty." I stood up and grabbed Thomas's wrist, he stood up to and we moved to a different table. We sat down, I explained everything to him. "I hate those two." He said, looking at Shae then to Gally. I nodded. I ate my last bite of bread on my plate. Thomas and i both stood up and headed outside. "What do you wanna do today greenbean?"  I asked him, "Anything you want Jose." he answered. I looked around, "I just want to get everything out of my mind." Thomas nodded and looked around, "Yoga?" we both laughed. "Can we just joke around today?" i asked, that was what I needed. He nodded. Thomas took off toward the wall. I knew the race was on, I ran up behind him. We both reached the wall, Thomas yelled go. We both took off. Thomas was in front of me this time but not for now. I pushed myself in to gear and ripped off, feeling like all the stress and all the worry was ripped off my shoulders. I touched the wall way before Thomas today. When he reached the wall, he smiled. "That was the best so far Jose.'' I laughed trying to catch my breath, "Thanks greenbean."

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