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               Beomgyu POV

             I stepped off the trolley. I walked in the direction of the sign that read "Legacy". I was one of few students who had a relative attend ASAA. So I didn't really need to be shown around by a guide. However, only first year legacies are given guides so they can grow comfortable at the school.

                          Those possessing obscure or rare abilities were under the can of Headmaster Han. The headmaster was on the only one of the faculty that seemed to have an ability. The ability being sleep induction. The ability to put others to sleep with the wave of a hand or via potion.

I signed in & headed over to my guide.

Kim Taehyung 김태형
8th Year

Fear Amplification (The ability to amplify another being's fear)

Fear Amplification (The ability to amplify another being's fear)

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       Taehyun was great. Exceptional even. "범규 씨 여기서 잘 할 거예요." (You're going to do well here, Beomgyu.) I was glad that someone believed in me. It was different than what I was used to back home. "왜? 사람들은 종종 퇴학당하나요?" (Why ? Do people get expelled often ?)

         Taehyung let out a small laugh. I was aware he has more experience, but I didn't take kindly to mocking. "제명하는 것도 하나의 방법입니다. 그게 다예요." (Expulsion is one way to put it. That's all.)

              Then he handed me a paper before leaving on his own. So I filled the paper out accordingly.


FORCE: 5/10




        비밀 사회에 참여하는 것을 고려하시겠습니까? (Would you consider joining a secret society ?)

I'd give it a try. Who could it hurt ?

         당신은 당신과는 반대되는 능력을 가진 사람들과 유대감을 가질 의향이 있습니까? (Are you willing to bond with those who possess abilities opposite of yours ?)

It could become useful to make friends of all kinds.


                  Not before long a black envelope with a white eye drawn on it was slid under the door. It was address from a secret society called 옵시디언 아이입니다 (The Obsidian Eye).

        I ripped it open without a moments thought later. I was curious to say the least. What did this mean ? Why me out of thousands of first years ?

      It was simple & straight forward. A bit mysterious too.

               범규에게, 우리는 당신을 자정까지 초대합니다. 첫해 개시가 시작됩니다 - 옵시디언 아이 (Dear  Beomgyu, we invite you to join us as midnight. First Year initiation will commence- The Obsidian Eye).

      I mulled over what I had just read. This was going to be interesting.

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