Prince Nakai led the army alongside his second in command, General Nera Ra. Unlike Nakai's strong features and dominating aura, the general gave more of a laid back feel. His features were similar to Nakai's but everything about him was a little gentler. Nakai paid no attention to the crowds on either side of him, keeping his gaze on the road ahead. Even when every Giant he passed threw handfuls of red grains, signifying the blood of the royals, his eyes were cold and wavering. General Nera kept pace with his prince as he shouted.

"The least you could do is smile at your citizens, they're blindly praying for your victory."

General Nera's words burned Naka's ears and whistled at the beast under him, forcing the large furry beast to race forward. Second General Nera didn't try to keep pace since he knew he had spoken out of line.

It took two full days and one night of constant travel for the giant's to reach their camp site; the was situated at the edge of an uninhibited land that curved around the south edge of Man, Dwarf and Giant country. Nakai rode his beast into the camp while the soldiers dispersed to the edge of camp to rest their tired beasts. Once inside the campsite, Nakai dismounted his beast and walked towards his tent sitting in the middle of the site, his tent was larger than the surrounding ones and the posts were a blood red. All the guards he passed saluted him but he gave no response. Unlike the other soldier's beasts, Nakai's oversized cat walked beside her master. With his beast beside him, Nakai lazily walked to the entrance of his tent and addressed the guard saluting him.

"Bring General Nera to the tent, the captains of each squadron too."

Nakai let his beast enter the tent first before shutting the curtain behind him. Unlike the strong tone he used with his soldiers, Nakai softened his voice slightly when looking at his cat.

"Raia, are you hungry? Your pace started to slow down towards the end there."

Nakai talked to his beast, as if she could answer back while he poured a large pitcher of milk into a huge bowl filled with cracked eggs. He didn't bother mixing the large yellow and white mixture, instead he placed the bowl down beside his bed where Raia was sitting patiently. From outside the tent, the voice of his guard could be heard.

"Prince Nakai, General Nera and the captains are here, requesting permission to enter."


Nera waltzed in before the word had finished, his salute was also lazy while the other captains held a firm back. Nakai waved his dismissal without looking at them and he unravelled a large map onto his now empty desk. Nera took the lead and started marking various points on the map.

"The forest that borders the baron area of this land is where my troops will pass through. I have been informed this is where King Lei will be headed. First captain you and Nakai have the largest squadron, therefore your troops will head straight through the clearing. Majority of Man countries soldiers should also be heading through this way."

Nakai sat down quietly, not bothering to speak. He stared at his beast slurping at the milk and egg mixture. Her loud lapping helped to drown out the group of men conversing next to him. It took Nera only a few minutes to discuss the plans before the captains left the large tent. Despite being the only people in the small area the two giants didn't speak, as if they were ignoring each other. Raia finally finished her meal then lazily stood up, taking a few steps towards Nera. Much like Nakai's way of speaking to her, Nera's voice was softened as well.

"Good girl, did you eat well?"

Without receiving any response from the happy feline, Nera took his own seat in front of Nakai's desk, letting Raia rest her head on his large thighs. The weight of her heavy head seemed like nothing to him. Nera could see in the corner of his eye that Nakai was deep in thought, he was unsure whether he should speak or not but after almost a full minute of silence, he opened his mouth.

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