Chapter One

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Dawn was close to breaking as hundreds of royal soldiers walked their silvery haired steeds to the front of the closed royal city gates. Their bodies were clad in dark amoured clothing with the only visible skin being their stiff faces and shaved heads. While the soldiers walked forward the cries of various wives and children could be heard, giving the beautiful city a painful air. Once the soldiers settled on their horses, a large gap was created down the middle for the new King. Much like his soldiers his body was clad in dark armoured cloth and his pale face held a stiff expression; However unlike his soldiers, the King's black hair was tied back in a tight bun. If he were to let it out, it would reach down to his ankles.

With the soldiers and King showing nothing but cold faces, the only warmth among the crowd was the King's horse; a dark chocolate brown stallion with cold eyes much to match its rider. Behind the King's tall body the distant view of the palace could be seen, its icy grey exterior offering no warmth. The king stared forward while the stallion trotted towards the front of the small army. The strong hooves landing against the concrete at the front of the group was enough to stifle the public's wailing. The King sat atop his large horse as he gazed around his beloved city that he now faced; His soft face was still growing into that of a man but it held a firm expression, as if he was comforting the people below him with his courage. With a strong voice he called out to the masses.

"My beloved people, do not fear the dark in which we leave. Instead light a candle to guide us home."

Nothing else was said as the King kicked his feet back, his horse sprinted forward towards the solemn outer city streets.

The King's younger brother, Wang Bao, sat in his study at the second highest point in the palace. The book that he had been reading to keep his mind off of his brother's departure had been thrown to the side, instead he held a pair of gold binoculars to his teary eyes. He watched as his brother led the troops out of the royal city. The loud stampeding in the streets below was enough to cause a headache but his eyes remained focused and unblinking. As he continued watching, his voice came out in a whisper.

"Return safely, Lei."

Wang Bao's hands quivered but he continued to peer through the binoculars, all of a sudden his brother's small figure stopped, the dirt underneath the large horse kicking up from the sudden halt. The King flawlessly steadied his ride before turning his stern face towards his brother's study, without the binoculars Wang Bao would've missed the scene before him. Both Wang brothers stared at one another; Wang Bao doubted his brother could see him since he was almost a full kilometre away but he still held the stern gaze. The King's eyes slowly dimmed with life before they filled with tears. His lips spoke out something but Wang Bao couldn't read them quick enough to understand.

The tears that had threatened to spill finally slid down Wang Bao's beautiful face and he continued to watch his Brother disappear into the horizon. With the exit of the soldiers stampeding horses, the wails of his Mother could be heard. Her raspy cries echoed off the cold streets and gave goosebumps to all of the residents standing at the royal city's gates. Slowly, more wails and cries joined in. The sound did nothing for Wang Bao's delicate emotions apart from worsening his headache. Without turning his head, Wang Bao spoke in a congested voice.

"Mr Liu, Shut the windows and draw the curtains. I don't want to hear anymore."

The older man who was Wang Bao's head servant bowed before walking around the large turret; the sun was just beginning to rise and slowly bled light into the large room but before any warmth could enter it was cut off. Wang Bao shut the Window he was sitting in front of and then stood up. With the final window being closed the loud cries were cut off and his head felt a little better. Mr Liu fished a handkerchief from his pocket and his old hands wiped at the prince's cheeks tenderly. Despite his own tired exterior, he tried to cheer up Wang Bao with a warm smile and offer.

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