Chapter 1

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"Shit." I heard him call out.

I mumbled all of the curses I knew in that moment as I realized that someone had run into me, causing me to drop all of the files I held in my arms. I had already been having a hard enough time trying to find my office and now this!

"I'm sorry about that."

I looked up from the ground where I had been attempting to put my life back together, when I saw him. He had a strong build that was noticeable even under all of the fabric that made up his suit and the smile that crossed his lips could have made any girl fall into his arms. It almost made me wish that I had run into him instead of the other way around so that I would have had the chance to run my hands over the freckles that landed on the bridge of his nose and probably ran down to...

"It's okay." I replied in a whisper. "I'm lost, so I'm sure that had something to do with it."

"Lost?" he asked. "So you're new here."

"Is it obvious?"

He chuckled and I felt my chest tighten at the deep octave of his voice. "Only because you don't look like anyone else around here."

I frowned.

"It's a good thing, trust me." He added. "I'm Mateo. Matt, for the colleagues."

"It's nice to meet you, Matt." I replied. "I'm Scarlett. No short hand about it."

He smiled. "So who do you belong to?"

I froze.

It was an innocent question and there was no reason for me to feel as uncomfortable as I did in that moment, yet I was. I finished gathering my paperwork and stood up, instinctively running my hand over the charmless bracelet around my wrist. "I will be working with the district attorney."

"Ah." He smirked. "She did mention something about that."

I flinched when I saw him eyeing my bracelet.

I might have been seeing things but he seemed to hone in on the jewelry and it made me wonder if he knew..., he couldn't have known.

"Can you point me in the right direction?"

He nodded and held out his elbow for me to grab on to. I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks as I accepted his prompt and let him lead me around the hall. He stopped in front of a large door and held the hand that had been placed on his elbow. "This is your stop, madam." He smirked.

I opened the door and looked back at him, as if waiting for him to disappear into thin air like the dream he seemed to be. Matt smirked and leaned across me, to hold the door open so that I could make my way inside. He stood there, leaning against the door frame, watching me as I set my files down on the large oak desk and surveyed the room. There were a couple of chairs for visitors and a couch off to the side underneath a large window. Other than those items, the office was bare and I began to think of the little plants and trinkets I could bring from home to help it along. After giving the space a once over, my sights landed on Matt again and how he casually stood there, watching me with ice blue eyes and running his hands through blonde hair. He licked his lips and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

What was wrong with me?

As if he could read my mind, the sexy smirk spread across his face as he placed his hands in his pockets. "If you want to hang out or anything...outside of work, let me know."

"Um...yeah." I replied, suddenly feeling my throat drying. "I mean, I'll let you know what's going on when I know my schedule."

"Rita is pretty flexible so I don't think you'll have a problem there." He started to walk away before he continued. "I'm right down the hall so let me know."

Tamed (Edited)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang