I open my mouth to continue my accusations when Grimshaw stood up suddenly. I felt the room get chiller and I felt a sudden chill slither up my spine. I felt afraid as his aura felt stronger than what it did just moments ago. I swallowed nervously as I feel like maybe I shouldn't have just blurted stuff out like that. I should remember where I am in the first place. In the heart of the dark magic club, and the strongest dark magic club in this school. I'm in  danger if I piss these guys off. Especially Grimshaw, as he's the leader and the strongest wielder here in this entire school.

"This is why I don't like you." Grimshaw says lowly sending another chill up my spine.

"I-uh-I'm sorry." I stammered.

"Apology not accepted. I don't like you, but yet you still amuse me." He says a bit calmer but his aura says otherwise.

"Wh-what?" I stuttered confused.

"Dubuik isn't my father, and I'm highly insulted that you assume that I was his son." Grimshaw nearly spats as he turns and looks down at me with a scowl.

"I-well it's just-" I try to explain myself but his aura is making me very afraid and uncomfortable, "Don't just assume things." Grimshaw growls as he storms out of the club room.

I watch with widened eyes as he just marched out of here, and even though the temperature is going back to normal I still feel afraid. He left me in his club room with his members, and I know for a fact that at least one of them hates me and wants to kill me. I glance over at Moxie who's been glaring at me this whole time. I swallowed nervously as I glance over at the other guy who I still don't know his name. He's just leaning against the wall casually like the whole thing was normal. Lastly, I glance over at Hector who is sitting in his chair shaking his head. He seems to be a bit more mellow, but he's still dangerous and I have to watch my back around him.

"Did you have to accuse him like that?" Hector asks with a sigh.

"I-I didn't mean to." I stuttered awkwardly.

"Sure you didn't. Your miss perfect aren't you?" Moxie growls.

"Perfect? What?" I ask confused.

"Yes perfect! You have the perfect blood but we can't have it because we have to protect you, and you have the top black magic wilder on his way for you. So you must be perfect." Moxie tells me angrily.

"I didn't ask for your guy's protection! I didn't ask for Mr. Dubuik to come after me either, and I certainly never wanted to come here. I was happy back in Alabama." I nearly yelled at her.

"Meant to or happy doesn't matter. This is happening now and you can't go and piss off Grim." Hector warns me seriously.

"Wouldn't this be better for you guys though? If he gets mad enough at me, then he would stop protecting me and that's what you guys want. Isn't it?" I ask matter of fact.

"There she goes assuming things again." The guy who's been quiet this whole time spoke up.

"What?" I ask confused.

"We don't want to protect your skinny-" Moxie starts but Hector cuts in, "But, we don't want Dubuik to have you either. If he gets his hands on you then hell will break loose in this school and this town."

"What do you mean? I figured he was just going to kill me like he's done to my mother." I said furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"No, that was only the first step. He needs you and your blood to finish what he's started before the next full moon." Hector explains to me seriously.

"How do you know what he wants from me?" I ask trying to figure out if I should believe them or not.

"We wield black magic, new girl. We know how to figure stuff out." Hector tells me like it's obvious.

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