Chapter 31 - You're right. I did.

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My sleep is interrupted by my phone lighting up a few times. Out of instinct I move to grab it, checking what or who in the world decided to pull me out of the beautiful, warm and cosy state I was in. Luke's arms shift a little bit and I turn the light of my screen down, not wanting to wake him up as well.

My eyebrows furrow when I see that I have an email from unknown and various tags on Instagram.

What the fuck is this about? I think and swipe to open the message. "Merry Christmas Bitch" Is written as the Subject in big, bold letters. One paragraph lower is a video of a party, I instantly remember the date. It was after Luke's birthday. Everybody from our school went to it except for me because I had caught a cold a day before and didn't feel like going. Luke had wanted to stay in my room with me, but I explicitly told him not to and go and have fun. My stomach starts to form a knot. I seriously have a bad feeling about this.

The video shows some other seniors I remember from sharing classes with them, playing a drinking game in a kitchen. I try to spot the matter or mistake in this, when the maker of this video spares me from that action, zooming in to two people in the back. My heart shatters into millions of pieces as I replay the few seconds over and over, trying to find out if this is a joke or not.

It's not.

Amelia and Luke are kissing before they are out of sight again, somebody walking in front of them. There was no sign of him pushing her away immediately and even after I can see what happens next, there is not a single trace of Amelia stepping away either.

Silent tears roll down my cheeks as I try to not make a sound. My hands slowly pry off Luke's, suddenly feeling disgusted by him. Once out of bed he mutters something that sounded like he wants me to come back to bed and I swallow down the scream that wants to come out.

"I just need to pee. Go back to sleep." I whisper, giving nothing of my hurt away.

"Mhm." He turns to the other side and I thank the lord for being able to go away without him looking at me.

My quiet steps bring me to the bathroom where I lock the door behind me and splash my face with ice cold water. It hits me just like the truth that Luke's fucking cheated on me and didn't think it was important to tell me. Instead, he let me think that everything was going great and for the first time in my life, I actually had not one single doubt running through my mind. Is this what he wanted to tell me yesterday? I guess it doesn't matter now anyways, since I found out through this. I know what a fucking asshole he is and that I can't be here anymore. With him. Not after everything we did together and all the times that I told him I loved him, just like he told me he did too. I guess that was a lie because you don't hurt somebody to claim to love.

My thoughts are all over the place as the tears sting in my eyes again, rolling down my face soon after and I walk out as quietly as possible, taking my duffle bag out of my closet and stuffing it with enough clothes for at least a week. I change into sweats and a hoodie and pack my laptop, chargers and bathroom necessities as well before I clutch my phone to my chest, giving Luke one last disgusted look that is stained by tears and walk out, heading to my parent's room.

I knock quietly, and walk in, the light of the hallway shining onto the bed where both Dad and Marie lay comfortably in.

"Hailey?" He whispers, rubbing his eyes and I step in, closing the door behind me softly. His eyes fiddle with something on his bedside table until the room is lit up by the little lamp standing on it.

"What's wrong?" He asks and I sniffle, setting the bag down on the ground next to the bed.

Marie wakes up as well, seeming alarmed now and pats a spot on the white duvet cover in between them for me to sit down.

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