Chapter 28 - You were a good replacement.

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A/N: to be honest, I had planned to have this chapter be the epilouge of this book and have it finished by now, but thanks to my dear friend who told me she did not want that to happen (you know who you are when you read this), I'll be giving you guys a bit more to swoon about as this book continues. So I guess you can get excited about what my mind has next in store for Hailey and Luke. And please vote and comment on my story while you're already at it. Thanks a lot <3


"Stop that."

"Stop what?" Luke asks, still looking at me.

"Stop looking at me all the time." I repeat and he just shrugs.

"I can't help it that you're beautiful." He compliments me and my cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

"I know, now stop staring." I try to cover it up with a laugh, but he won't shift his eyes away from me.

"Your food is getting cold." I gesture to his still untouched plate of delicious looking food while mine is already only half full at this point.

He tries to take a bite while still keeping our eye contact but fails miserably, the food falling off of his fork all over again.

"Okay fine." Luke eventually gives in after his third and failed attempt to eat as I just laugh at him.

We continue eating and talking about everything and anything at the same time until the desert reaches our table. It's a little – well, actually, I think it's really big – chocolate lava cake with some ice-cream on the side. I had told the waiter that it was Luke's birthday today and they added a candle on top and wrote "Happy 19th Birthday Luke" on the plate with chocolate sauce.

"Here you go." The waiter sets it down and Luke's face turns into confusion while my grin spreads on my face before he asks me, "How did you know it is my birthday today?"

"I just know." I shrug, proud of myself for surprising him even if it wasn't that big of a surprise.

"Sammy told you, didn't he?"

"Yes." Luke laughs when I eventually admit it.

"Now blow out the candle birthday-boy."

He closes his eyes, thinking for a moment before he swiftly blows it out, the little light vanishing now.

"Do you want to know what I wished for?" He asks me immediately afterwards and I shake my head.

"No, then your wish won't become true."

"I think it will." He argues with a smirk and I nod.

"Yes, if you keep it to yourself." I say, my voice leaving no room for any arguments and he seems amused by this rather than anything else.

"I feel like you get more and more bossy with every time we go out."

"If you have a problem with that, feel free to leave." I make a hand gesture to the exit.

"I'd be a real dumbass to leave the girl which I am in love with."



"Hailey, I am in love with you."

My mouth goes dry and I have to swallow a big sip of my water, feeling guilty for keeping him on his toes for what feels like an eternity. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he loves me minutes after he has said it. He. Luke. The guy with knee-weakening British accent who didn't even want to look in my direction when I first came here over three months ago has now proclaimed his love for me on his birthday.

Making it.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang