I found myself laying on my bed and calling Haechan, gladly he immediately answered it

"Where's Mr. Shin?" I asked. We're on a video call but my cam is off

"He's with Ryujin. They're playing in the pool with my brothers" he said

I remained silent for a moment. I don't know what to feel anymore

"Jaemin-ah, why are you so shocked when I told you that he's already released two years ago?" he carefully asked. I sighed heavily

"I have no idea about that"

"What!?" he looks so shocked

"Please don't tell Ryujin about this"

"Okay, I understand," he said

I ended the call and closed my eyes. 5 years have passed but I still can't forgive him. He left a lot of scars in our hearts and I don't think he deserves forgiveness because of that. I wonder how my mom manage to forgive him that easily after all that he did

Haechan's and Ryujin's wedding suddenly flashed on my mind. Their wedding day is coming and for sure Mr. Shin will be there. I don't think I can manage to be in the same place as him

I don't think I can go there...I might just cause trouble there

I decided to take a bath before I sleep. I was about to sleep when I received a text message from Zein

I hope you're okay

I sighed heavily while reading her text message. Her face earlier suddenly flashed on my mind. I felt guilty once again

To Zein:
I'm sorry about earlier. I was just carried away by my emotion. Where are you? I forgot to take you home

It took her a minute to reply

Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm with Renjun. He insisted to take me home

I felt relieved

Let's talk tomorrow, I have to tell you something

My soul left my body for a moment when I read her text. Many scenarios are playing in my mind like 'Is she going to break up with me because of what I said?' 'Is she going to stay away from me?'

I don't want that to happen so I immediately thought of a reason to avoid talking to her

To Zein:
Let's talk another time, I need space

I don't know if that reason is enough. I just don't want to talk to her for now because I'm scared that she might ask for a breakup

I decided to sleep without waiting for her reply

I woke up when I heard my mom's voice outside my room. I immediately get up

"Jaemin-ah the breakfast is ready," she said in a calm tone

"Okay, mom----"

I froze up when I realized that I'm mad at her. I forgot about what happened last night for a moment

"I'm not hungry," I said in a cold tone

I lied. I'm really hungry

"Okay, I understand" I wait for her to completely left before I go outside and go to Renjun's room. I didn't bother to knock

"Renjun-ah" I whispered. Trying to wake him up. I checked the time and it's already 2 pm

"What?" he frowned when I open his curtains and the sunlight hits his face

Never Again (Completed) HaeRyuJaem Series #1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat