32. The electricity

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A.T.: I was looking for some good song, but after seeing Snyder's cut Justice league, I had to put this song. Awesome.

"So how did it end up in Battle Cheteau." Clemont asked as he sat inside back in Lumiose city's gym. After Ash defeated his fourth gym, Clemont decided it would best to prepare with Clembot on upcoming battle. After all, he wanted upgryde gym more and show them after they would meet again.

"Ash won again and he is not far from being promoted. How are you doing with your prepares on your big battle?" Bonnie asked as they talked over phone.

"Yeah good, I am still working on our double battle with Clembot, not the best but it is something, that is why I am here." Clemont said, when Clembot walked into his doors with Clembot.

"Sir, there is person that wants to talk to you and me, it is a little confusing. She said she wanted meet both of us." Clembot said, Clemont noticed he was being confused.

"Is it a challenger?" Clemont asked as he stood up.

"No sir." Clembot walked with Clemont until they were on battlefield and saw woman with hair they could see everytime by walking into pokemon center but her suit was way different. She had black dress and shoes.

"So I finally meet you Clemont. Heard a lot about this gym for the past months." she said as she watched both of them coming to her.

"Nurse Joy?" Clemont asked, but she shook with her head.

"I don't work as a nurse." this made Clemont surprised, but she continued. "I am from PIA and I am here to see how this gym is holding up so far because what we heard, people are not happy at all with what was happening here." she crossed her arms after she put back her badge. Clemont knew what she was talking about.

"Yeah, I fixed it, Clembot is now not throwing people out of gym or requires to have 4 badges to fight here." Clemont was about to continue but she stopped him.

"That is not that bad Clemont, each gym leader has their own way to lead gym and we know about new people not being throw out of here, but that is not the point. The point is, your robot, Clembot as he is called is suppose be the new gym leader and with every new gym leader, we need to test him and because this is new type of situation we didn't have so far, I am here to see if Clembot can stand as a gym leader. Normally I would talk about everything with Clembot, but because you are here, I can talk with both of you."

"Um yeah, I got here because friend of mine asked me to battle him in double battle with Clembot so I came back." Clemont explained and Joy raised her eyebrow.

"Is that so? It means this is the best situations to see if it can work as a gym leader. I want to fight both of you to see if Clembot can adapt to new type of battles and can cooperate easily." Clemont and Clembot looked at each other. After all, it could be good training and they had to make up for the problem which happened. After all, they couldn't say no, it would just cause another problems.

"Ok, let us just get our pokemon."

15 minutes later

"Heliolisk go!"

"Luxio come out!"

Both pokeballs opened to reveal two pokemon, one being more under care of Clembot because of using gym. Joy looked at them and knew her answer and pulled out two pokeballs.

"You underestimate me, but you may surprise me. Let see if you can defeat my pokemon." she said threw her pokeballs. One revealed large pokemon. It had large, ovoid body with a pink upper body and white lower body. It had hair-like curls on either side of its head. White, wing-like tufts grew from its hips and shoulders, creating the impression of a dress. Its stubby arms and feet were pink and lacked any digits. A small, pink pouch on its belly held a single egg. It wouldn't surprise Clemont that much about Joy having Blissey, but other pokemon made him take it very fast back.

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