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Hai guys

Iam here with a promo it will be interesting I hope ........

So , I am setting a target guy bcoz I think my story was worthy for it many sclient readers were reading but they were not giving their votes thats why ......

Plz read till end of the promo and give me your precious vote
So target is 50 votes and a few comments

Ok let's begin the promo......

Promo 1

Nandhini's POV

           " what's wrong with me today , from morning onwards am  feeling restless , around me ,sooo much of brightness , all people were so happy but iam feeling very empty in my heart , what is this feeling my heart is giving warning to me from morning that some thing is going to be very unexpected "....

( suddenly lights went off )
       " Ab yeh lights ko kya hua , already iam hell worried " nandhini mutters underneath

a stop light were went on , seeing the person in spot light nandhini heart skipped the beat

She gasped in hell shock  "manik.".......

                   So promo 1 completed

PRomo 2

Manik's POV

    Iam pretending like working in come file but , iam not in this world , my thought are around my nandhini  iam hell confused with this feeling , this is the first time I am feeling something was happenning big today.

( Suddenly the door banged )
           Someone entered into the cabin but I  can't saw them bcoz iam sitting back facing to the door  then I heard voice
    " sorry sorry iam very late today plz do me excuse this time "  the girl said

Manik POV
      While hearing the voice " I know ,,,,i know this voice very well , my heart can't betray me , iam eagerly waiting to the core to hear this voice from years  , without waiting a second I turned to see the girl , and my after seeing the girl my happiness had no limit , but this time my eyes are betraying me by their tears ,

Why these stupid tears were coming in my eyes , I want to see my nandhini  after six long years .....

So thats it guys promo , as
it was revealed that manik and nandhini came face to face
Then let's see how will they solve their misunderstandings but  I know that its not that easy .

So finish the target as soon as possible ,I will upload the full chapter

Target was only 50 votes , and give your comments whether the promo was good or not , negative comments also invited

             Thank u,love you


              **** thu.  ithna jaruri "KAISE HUA"  ******Where stories live. Discover now