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Yoongi wrenched his head free and spat over the side of the bed, while Seokjin chuckled and sat up, wiping his mouth off from their kiss.

"Didn't you practice on a mirror when you were a kid?" Seokjin scolded lightly, running his fingers down the chained agents bare chest. "You're not supposed to bite."

Yoongi didn't dignify the villain with a response, glaring at the wall as he mentally sighed, waiting for his slow as fuck team to arrive.

Seokjin grabbed the boys jaw, forcing Yoongi to look at him.

"Or maybe you're into that?" He smirked. "Kinky, Min Yoongi."

He leaned down again, despite Yoongi's resistance-


The door was kicked open, making Seokjin pause and both men looked over.

"Taehyung!" Yoongi shouted, relieved to see the boy.

"Taehyung," Seokjin purred, also happy to see him.

Taehyung kept his gun trained on them, walking forwards a little, his eyes in a dark glare.

"Tae, sweetie, be a dear and close the door." Seokjin said. "You can stay and watch if you want, but I'm not a fan of being interrupted, okay hun?"

Yoongi waited for the agent to shoot Seokjin, or attack him, or even yell at him, but the boy holstered his gun and leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

"Don't mind me." Taehyung said, his voice deep.

Seokjin grinned, looking to see Yoongi's shocked reaction. "Oh, did silly me forget to mention there were actually two surprises?"

"Taehyung, what are you doing?" Yoongi finally struggled against the villain on top of him. "Arrest him or kill him!"

Seokjin chuckled, brushing Yoongi's hair out of his face. "Now why would he do that? I'm his boss, after all. He switched sides after he found out you got his Kookie killed."

Before Yoongi could say anything, Namjoon rushed into the room, gun aimed at Seokjin.

"Get off him or I'll shoot!" Namjoon glared.

Seokjin looked at Taehyung, but the boy was already moving.

The agent took his own gun out, pointing it at Namjoon.

"Tae- what the hell?" Namjoon was stunned.

"Drop it, Joon. Please." Taehyung said. "I don't want to have to kill you."

"What an interesting predicament we have here." Seokjin commented. "Is this what you agents call a stand off?"

"Namjoon," Yoongi looked at his best friend. "Cookies and cream?"

Namjoon didn't take his eyes off of Taehyung. "Yeah."

"Oooo, secret code?" Seokjin smiled. "Adorable. Wanna hear mine? Hey, Jungkook!"

The door opened for the last time, and Jungkook walked in.

He raised his own gun, pressing it against Namjoon's back.

"Oh, I lied about Jungkook, by the way." Seokjin told Taehyung. "Whoops, sorry."

Namjoon looked over his shoulder at the youngest agent.

"Want to wrap this up?"

Jungkook chuckled. "You read my mind, Joon."

He glanced around the tallest agent to Taehyung, smiling. "What about you, Tete?"

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