Chapter 12: Get her!

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"I don't understand." He responded.
"You don't have to. Soon you'll be too dead to even care about it." She said while reaching out her hand. Hawkmoth came flying towards her. His neck was between her cupped hands.

"Please. Just don't hurt anyone else." Was all he could utter.

"Hmmm.... We'll see about that." She replied. Her gripped tightened. Vexer smiled at him. She was proud of what she was achieving.
"Sweet dreams Hawkie. It's been an honor working with you." She laughed maniacally.

~Recap Over~

Hawkmoth's eyes were getting too heavy. They started to close. No sound of struggle was leaving his mouth. His body wasn't fighting for breathe anymore. Vexer smiled. But then she felt a discomfort. As if something was poking her back. She turned around and saw Natalie stabbing her with a knife (boy, that went dark. Idk, I didn't think the story would make it this far. And i have nothing planned lol🤡. Just go with it.)

"Seriously?" Vexer sighed. She then threw Hawkmoth on Natalie. With Natalie pinned to the ground again, Vexer looked down and saw blood dripping out of her. She held the knife and tried to remove it. But it was stuck. She then turned it at an angle, making the cut wider, she hissed in the pain. Her eyes shut close from the discomfort. Now, there was room for her to pull the knife out. She quickly took it out. Blood was leaving her body. The knife was bloody. Then she turned around and saw Natalie trying to escape the room with her boss's arm wrapped around her. She was supporting his weight.

But before she could make it to the elevator, Vexer threw the knife at it. (The elevator. She threw the knife at the elevator. Don't throw knives at people. Espically if they're older than you!) Natalie gasped and turned her head to face her. Vexer was walking towards her. Her eyes full of rage and hatred.

"I warned you not to cross me. But you didn't listen. Nobody ever listens to me!" She screamed furiously.

Her words were heavy. They shook the building slightly. The angrier she got, the more it shook. At this point, the Agreste Mansion would collapse any moment now.

"Marinette. Please. Calm down!" The assistant requested.

"And what if I don't want to calm down!" She questioned.

"Then we'll have to improvise!" Came a familiar voice from the top of the elevator. They all looked up. The heros entered with their easy to recognize superhero landings. With Chat Noir leading and his three friends behind him. "Second chance!" Viperion yelled. (Y'know. Just to be safe).

"How did you find me?" Marinette asked?

"Simple. We just followed the trail of destruction you left behind." Rena Rouge replied.

"And the big gorilla dude let us in here." Carapace smiled.

"Alright Vexer. We can do this the easy way or the hard way." Chat Noir warned.

Vexer smiled. "Four against one? Hardly seems fair. But I'll take it" She sassily replied.

Chat ran towards her and tried to smack her face with his baton. She tilted her head to the side and lightly pushed him. He recovered quickly and attacked her legs this time. She jumped up and stepped on his face before landing on the ground. Rena came at her from behind and held her in place.

Carapace turned to the adults. "You two... Get out of here." Natalie nodded and went inside the elevator with her unconscious boss.

"No!" Vexer screamed. But she was still tightly held captive by Rena. She struggled to get lose. Her legs moved in a random motion searching for the ground without realizing she's two feet above it. Chat whispered ,"Cataclysm" while getting up. He started to walk over to her and stopped when she was just an arm reach away from him. His target? The akumatized object aka her purse.

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