Another loud boom vibrated the walls of the tower and it made her question if she really wanted to go out there. Despite her fear, she had to find her family.

She pushed the door open just a crack, and her jaw dropped at the horrific scene before her. It was a blood bath. Blood up the walls and on the floor as someone clearly fought for their lives against.... whatever did this to them. She held back a shudder at the sight and tiptoed towards her kids' rooms, praying along the way that this wasn't their blood.

The more she walked, the more blood she found. Until....

"Thor!" She screamed and whipped around to face away from the gorey sight that would haunt her forever.

His lifeless body was bloodied all over, gorges and cuts across his entire body. It seemed he died the same way her dog did so many years ago; a knife between the eyes.


She screamed and flinched away from the chilling voice- the same voice that gave her nightmares for so many years.

"Loki what- what happ-happened." She choked out, but for some reason when he rushed to comfort her, she didn't find comfort in his arms. "Who did this?"

"They're all dead, Summer." Loki cried into her shoulder as he held her in his arms. "All of them. There's not a single Avenger or agent left." He rasped out as he trembled in her embrace.

She pulled back to gape up at him. "How? No- that's.... that's impossible."

He shook his head and gently held her face between his hands.... his bloodied hands. "It's true. They're all gone, I've checked-"

"What about the kids?" She exclaimed and pulled out of his hold, the sticky blood now on her face. Did the blood get on him when he checked if people were still alive?

"I-I don't know-"

"You mean to tell me you didn't check on our kids first!?" She exasperated and took a step away from him.

His eyes widened. "You don't think I caused this, do you?"

She gazed into his pleading blue eyes, suddenly questioning herself. "Do you know who did?" She asked, quietly. "Do you know who killed your brother the same way you killed my dog-"

The breath was knocked out of her as he slammed her back against the wall.

His fist collided with the wall, dangerously close to her head. "I did this for us! So we could rule together! You did so well for all these years and learned to love me without the potion, just like I said you would!"

She screamed as he punched the wall again and shielded her face with her hands. Though her heart was racing, her body was shaking, and tears were falling hard and fast down her face, she slowly tilted her chin up and asked through clenched teeth, "where. are. my. kids?"

His hand lowered and he cocked an eyebrow at her new demeanor, even though he could see right through it.
It was odd, he didn't enjoy her being afraid of him, but he fed off her fear all in the same. He's missed it after so many years. "They're safe, locked in their rooms, and they'll stay that way, if...."

She shook her head and punched his chest. "Don't you dare! Don't you dare drag them into this! Don't you use them as part of your little game!" She yelled as she hit and punched him while he remained unfazed.

It was easy for him to pin her hands above her head with one of his as she struggled. "If you want them to remain safe, I suggest you listen. I never wanted kids, I let you have them." He told her, lowly. At his threat, she averted her gaze, and he released his hold on her. "But I know we both have gotten attached to them. We're going to tell them what happened.... that the Avengers weren't who they said they were and they were taken out, leaving us to rule. To be safe, we're going to move."

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