home sweet home

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"weird?" adrien asked

"since i've not been here in a while you know?"

"yeah i know"

"can i use the shower?"

"marinette why are you even asking? you live here"

"oh right yeah.. i'm not used to it anymore since i've been with alix"

"just make it feel like home again"

i hugged adrien then pulled him down so i could kiss his cheek. i grabbed my pjs and ran into the bathroom and put on the shower. man this feels weird. i put the shower hot then adjusted the water to how i wanted it. i came out got ready and walked into the kitchen.

"adrien!" i shouted

"what?" he said hugging me from behind

"have you even went shopping?"


"i'll do it tomorrow" i smiled

"if you say so"

"what's the time" i yawned


"i'm tired i'll see you in the morning" i laughed and went upstairs.

adrien came in shortly after and went to his side, i ended up moving closer and cuddling in with him.

"are you still awake?" adrien asked


"i know your awake m'lady"

"shhh" i said falling asleep.

the next morning i was woken up by emma's cries and adrien woke up too seeing me getting out of bed

"marinette i'll get emma i could do with a bit more father daughter bonding" adrien smiled

"thank you" i got back in bed and fell asleep.

i couldn't sleep so i walked to the nursery and stood at the door to see adrien holding emma feeding her.

"not fair she definitely is a daddy's girl" i crossed my arms

"she just missed her dad" adrien said

"hey she let us lie in! it's 9" i looked at her phone

"what time does she usually wake up?"


"she usually woke up at seven here"

"probably not used to being away from home"

i nodded but emma just didn't want to sleep she wanted to play.

"marinette why wont she sleep"

"she wants you to play with her"

"oh makes sense"

"why don't we get ready, put the cartoons on for emma for a few hours and go shopping?"

adrien nodded. i went and got ready then took emma downstairs to watch cartoons. whilst we were downstairs adrien was getting ready and came in behind me.



"do you think we should go?" adrien said

"uh" checks time "yeah let's go"

we get into the car, i put emma into the car seat and then sat beside her as adrien drove.

"this shop?"

"yeah can you push emma though? i'll take the trolly/cart"

"i'll never say no when it comes to my princess"

i laughed and got out, adrien put emma into her stroller/pram and took her and we got surrounded by paparazzi.

"adrien agreste!"

"i thought you were with chloe?"

"are you and miss dupain-cheng still engaged?"

"how's the baby?"

"how's your relationship with chloe?"


"me and chloe have nothing! she kissed me i didn't kiss back! me and marinette are yet still engaged!" adrien said and pushed emma away.

i got the trolly/cart and started going around the aisles.

"marinette are you needing anything?"

"adrien we'll just go up and down the aisles" i laughed.

we got our shopping and went home, i put emma to sleep and me and adrien cuddled up with hot chocolate watching movies.

"i missed this" i laughed

"me too, the hot chocolate makes me feel like a little boy again"

"me too but a little girl"

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