scan photos!

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i sat in the car calming myself down, as for adrien was angry.. very very angry..

"calm down.. you know i don't like you driving angry.. your over the speed limit, i don't want to be in the car can i get out?"

"no i'll pull over"

he pulled over and took ten minutes to calm down and we finally arrived home. i took the photos off adrien and walked into the livingroom to be greeted by everyone.

"adrien i invited the boys.." i sniffled

"whats happened?" everyone said seeing me crying and adriens hands in fists

adrien was about to punch the wall so i ran into the dining room. with the girls behind me

"tell me when he punches the wall"

the girls nodded and walked through to see the boys calmed him down.

"marinette come through!" they shouted

i splashed my face with water to get rid of the tear stains and put on a fake smile and sat down.

"whyd you invite us?" they all ask

i took a deep breath.

"would the god mother and god father like to see first?"

"who's that?" they all said

"alya, nino come with me" i take adriens hand and we walk into the dining room

"what's going on?"

i take the scan photos and hand the photos to them.

"buddy's so cute" alya and nino said

i smiled and hugged adrien

"i think you should show everyone else" they both say

i nodded and took the scan and walked into the livingroom with everyone behind.

"would the aunties and uncles like to see"

"YES" they all shouted.

i put my hand into my pocket and kneel down and gave the scan photos to them.

"THERE SO CUTE" rose squealed

i had a huge smile and i looked at adrien, i knew he wasn't feeling alright, he didn't smile back and that's when my smile dropped. i grabbed his hand and walked into the room with him.

"do you not want a baby?" i asked

"no no i do"

"do you not want to marry me?"

"where did you get these from? of course i do!!"

"then what's wrong? your not smiling or anything, it's like you don't want to.."

"no i do, it's just after what my father did.."

"look i'll drive everyone home, get some rest"

i kissed his head and turned the lamp dim and turned the light off. i walked into the livingroom rubbing my arm and smiling at everyone.

"can i get one of the photos?" i asked

"YES! there your baby!"

alya handed me her photo and i placed it on the photo wall that was in the main hall. i walked back through to see them looking at the other two photos.

"i can drive you all home" i smiled

"please!" they all said.

"wait before we do" alya asked

i nodded

"can i see my god child?" alya said

"yes" i laughed.

i sat on the couch and rolled up my top showing my small bump

"look at the bump" alya said

"it's so small" the girls said

they spoke to the bump for a couple minutes

"let's go!" i said.

we all got in the car, i let nino plug his phone into the aux. i dropped off alix and kim, ivan and mylene, rose and julika, max and last but not least nino and alya.

"bye dudette!"

"bye girlie"

"bye you two" i smiled.

i drove home listening to the terrible songs on the radio. i pulled into the drive way to see adrien got up and locked me out and i didn't even have my keys. i knocked on the door.. no reply.. i done it again.. no reply.. i got back into the car since it was cold and went into my phone to see he was asleep.
i phoned him until he answered

"go back to sleep"

"you locked me out you dick"

"shit actually?"

"yes let me in!"

he came and opened the door and i put my stuff down and walked away.. i went into a bath since i couldn't be bothered. i got out and got into my pjs to see adrien waiting on me.

"thought you would of been asleep" i giggled

"no i've been waiting on you m'lady"

i pulled up his hair to check his cut, it was healing slowly but surely. we both got into bed i was cold again so i put my arm around adrien putting my head into his chest.

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