adriens 22nd

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i woke up from emma crying, it's became a daily thing. i changed her diper made her a bottle and fell asleep. i check the time 8am she's let me have a lie in. i walked into the kitchen and made adrien a breakfast fry. i made the fry got some milk and walked into the room.

"rise and shine birthday boy" i laughed


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" i shouted


"your silly here" i handed him the breakfast

"ooo breakfast in bed"

"it'll get better.. i hope"


"nothing" i smiled and got ready.

adrien ate his breakfast and got ready then we went into the living room as emma slept.

"here" i said handing him a small box

"what is it?"

"open it"

he opened the box to see a silver chain with 'my silly kitty, my prince'

"i didn't know what one to put on so i put them both" i smiled

he smiled at chain and put it on his right wrist and pulled me into a hug

"i love it, thank you"

"there's still two more things.."


"you'll see" i smirked

"tell meee"

"get dressed, dinner in the eiffel tower. alya and ninos babysitting emma for the weekend"

"wait we're leaving emma?"

"you'll see.. you'll see go get dressed. i made you a suit it's in my office thing"

he went in and grabbed his suit and got ready. i went in and puton the red dress he bought me for my birthday. we both got ready and by the time it was 5:50 i quickly packed emma's bags and went to adrien.

"dinners in 40 minutes let's go" i smiled

we get outside, i couldn't afford a limo so i drove us to alya and ninos.

"hey girlie"

"hey dude, hey dudette"

"hi alya hi nino" adrien said

"she's got bottles, clothes, diapers, cream basically everything a lot of each. got to be prepared" i smiled

"can't wait to spend the weekend with my favourite baby ever!" alya said

"have fun you two" adrien laughed

"5am fresh start how fun" nino said

"adrien sleeps through her cries, you would too" i giggled

"don't bring my sleeping into this"

"yeah let's not bash the birthday boy" alya giggled

i check my phone and see diners in 15

"let's get going, have fun" i smiled and left

"where we going for the weekend?"

"you'll see" i smirked.

we get to the cafe, i park the car and we both walk in.

"are you ready to order?"

"yeah, can i have the steak, medium cooked please with a diet coke" i smiled

"can i have the pork with a pint of beer" adrien smiled too

the waiter nodded and went to get our drinks

"how come your not getting a wine?"

"you only drink 5 months after you give birth, plus i'm not feeling it"

"come on treat yourself"

"this isn't my birthday, don't put it all on me"

our food comes and midway through..



i hand him and envelope


"open it"

he opens the envelope to see a weekend booked in the grand paris.

"i know it's not a lot but i genuinely wanted to spoil you with my own money, i bought the chain with yours so i buy dinner and the hotel.." i smiled and looked up

adrien was silent, he didn't know what to say.

"..thank you.."

"no problem"

we ate dinner and the waiter took our plates

"pudding?" i asked

"yeah" adrien smiled

we ordered pudding and ate. i went to pay to notice i just had enough. i met adrien in the car.

"have you got our bags?"

"yeah i do there in the back" i smirked

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