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"are you alright what's going on?"

i bite my nails

"i.. i don't know how to do stitches.."


"adrien needs stitches and i don't know how to do them okay?!"

"marinette.." adrien said



"adrien im pregnant you can't expect me to try stitches.. i'm freaking out!"

"i know!!"

"i need to see if there's any other cuts"

i pulled up his top showing more cuts which just needed plasters. i grabbed a few plasters and placed them on. i also done the same for his legs.

"boys go home" i asked

"we can't just leave him here!" nino said

"do you all not trust me? i'm his fiancé and the mother to his child! do you think i'd let him- you know what why dont you all take him to the hosiptal. hold the wipe it's stopping the blood from going everywhere" i stormed out the room like a child

"just go get marinette" adrien said

kim walked up and knocked the door

"what?" i shouted

"adrien wants you"

i sighed and walked downstairs pushing through the doorway.


"come to the hospital with me" adrien said

"i'm going tomrrow for my first check up, can nino not take you?" i said and looked over

"but your my thingy whatever it's called"



"emergency contact?"


"i don't need to come for that adrien nino can sign you in"

"fine" he sighed "c'mon everyone"

"take your key!" i shouted

"i am!"

i watched him leave and i locked the door behind him, it's 12am what.. i have a doctors appointment at 2pm tomorrow to check on this little guy in my belly. i went upstairs and went into bed, i started over thinking about adrien but i fell asleep. i woke up an hour later from the door knocking, whos at my door at 1am. i walked down and unlocked the door.

"marinette!" adrien said hugging me

"you've got a key adrien.."


"are you okay? where's nino?"

"away home"

"did he just never mind let's just get sleep.."

we both walked upstairs adrien was walking about like he was drunk

"adrien have you fucking drank?"


i helped him get changed and helped him into bed.. i walked into the guest room and phoned nino.

"marinette it's 1am what is it?"

"have you got adrien drunk?"

"no why?"

"what's happened to him?"

"he's under something forgot what it's called"

"makes sense" i said and hung up.

this bed wasn't as comfy as mine.. i just lay down and fell asleep. i woke up at 10 the next morning from adrien shouting.


i walked into the hall rubbing my eyes


"where were you?"

"i was asleep.."

"no.. you weren't in the bed" adrien shouted

"i was in the guest room okay?"

adrien looked at me confused..

"why the guestroom"

"cause i wasn't happy with you lastnight"


i looked at him and shook my head. i went into the guest room and made the bed and walked into the kitchen to make food. i made toast and sat down.

"whys you sleep in the guestroom"

"you woke me up at 1am when you came back from the hospital, you were under something."

"yeah anyways how does it look?"

adrien pulled up his hair and showed me a cut

"hey put your hair back, get dressed by the way my appointments at 2"

"what's the time the now?" adrien asked


we both went upstair, i grabbed leggings and a top, adrien took jeans and a top. after we got dresssed we went downstairs and sat down then watched tv.

"have you got much of a bump yetttt" adrien said.

i pulled up my top just to above my belly so adrien can see my tiny bump.

"what do you think the gender is? a girl or boy?" i asked

"i hope it's a boy so we don't need to explain the whole period subject" adrien laughed

"i want a mini me" i laughed

"but i'm not dealing with a child as moody as you get"

i gasped and pulled my top back down and got up.

"marinette i was joking!"

i got offended and left the room, i sat upstair until it was time to leave

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