meeting the family

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"fathers.." adrien said sadly and we drove.

we get outside the mansion and adrien walks in first, i walk in behind this time me carrying emma. adrien walked into his fathers office whilst i let nathalie meet emma first since she was so supportive of me last time i was here.



"i guess your mad at me from yesterday.."

"yes you left your photo shoot, this better be a good excuse"

i stood at the door and seen adrien nod at me so i picked up the car seat and walked into the office, i didn't think gabriel liked me.

"father, meet my daughter, your granddaughter, emma emillie agreste" adrien said taking her out the seat

"she carries the agreste looks" gabriel said coldly, i don't think he was ready to be a grandfather.

i decided to leave the room and let the agrestes have their bonding since adrien hadn't been there in months, so i just spoke to nathalie.

"you ready?" adrien asked me


i got in the car and told everyone to meet us at home, they'd meet us there since we had a good 30 minute drive. i told alya and nino not to say anything. we get home to see most the lights on and the door open, adrien took emma inside since it was a bit heavy for me. i walked into the livingroom to see everyone sitting on the couches.

"aunties and uncles.. i'd like you to meet the new member, emma emillie agreste"

adrien walked in with the car seat and placed it down on the floor so he could take her out. i smiled and sat down, my back was aching like i've had a bag full of weights on my back for two months.

"how you feeling?" alix said looking at me then to emma

"sore but other than that good"

i just heard lots of cooing noises coming from everyone surrounding adrien who had emma in his arms passing her to rose.

"marinette what made you call her emma emillie?" julika asked

"good question actually why?" adrien asked

"emma since i've always liked the name, then emillie after adriens mum"

"that's so cute!" mylene said

i walked over to adrien who pulled me into a hug and kissed my head.

"you'll do an amazing job"

i pulled away from the hug and stood on my tiptoes to kiss him, knowing how short i was adrien had to crouch to my height.

"NOT IN FRONT OF THE CHILD" alix said turning away with emma in her arms.

"hey she has adriens looks, who's eyes?" kim said

"we've not seen them yet" i said pulling away

"what's the odd their adriens?"

"i think they will be, she has everything of adriens but marinettes face shape" max said

i sighed and walked out the room, she dosnt look like she's mine, but shes mine and i know since i carried her for the past nine months. i walked upstairs and into the room, i put on my pjs and lay in bed hearing everyone excited over how much she looked like adriens. i turned the light off so the room was dark and the only light we could see was the bed side cabinet lamp. i turned over to face adriens empty side of the bed, i was just staring into the dark as i heard the door open

"you awake?" adrien whispered

"i am, whos got emma?"


"oh alright"

"what's up? you didn't look to happy when you left and now your in a dark room"


"marinette, we've been together the past 7 years i know when somethings wrong"

"im just overthinking stuff i'm fine" i said staring at the empty bed


"what if she dosnt look like me? all she has is my jaw"

"she'll have more of your stuff, just wait until she grows a bit"

"and then your birthday next week, i can't get anything i can't afford much"

"use my card then"

"what's the point? then i'm spending your money to get you stuff"

"i don't even need anything, you just delivered our baby. that's all i could ask for"

"you spoiled me on my birthday i could atlest do the same for you"

"no you don't need to"

"but adrien i do, i can't not just do nothing. you proposed, took me for dinner, got us into the grand paris and lots more and i can't even do the same for you... it's just not fair"

adrien stood silent and didn't want to reply incase he made the situation worse.

"why don't you get sleep, i'll put emma into the crib and drive everyone home"

i nodded as adrien done everything, he got back from dropping everyone off seeing me crying about everything.

"what's happened? aren't you not ment to be sleeping?"

"i can't stop thinking about how much you do for me.."

"get some sleep please your stressing about nothing"

adriens heart shattered hearing me crying over his birthday and how i couldn't get much. he took his clothes off so he was just in his boxers and lay in bed he started to cuddle into me so i could calm down and stop crying about the whole situation. me being in his arms did calm me down as i fell asleep as quickly as a car drives past a sign.

our little family <3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora